I Am A Man At Work, Joshua Jones

20 March 2025

18:00-20:00, Publication Launch // Lansio Cyhoeddiad

g39 Library Residency, Day one. June 2023. Image: Joshua Jones
g39 Library Residency, Day one. June 2023. Image: Joshua Jones

Back in 2023 we were joined by artist in residence Joshua Jones. Joshua spent his time in our library, exploring the collection and spying out anything blue. He indulged himself in the work of Derek Jarman, hosted a screening of Blue for its 30th Anniversary and collected snippets of books for this Zine, I Am A Man At Work. Join us for the launch as the Zine becomes part of the collection.

In 2023, while Joshua Jones was on the g39 library residency he compiled a zine, I Am A Man At Work, which considers masculinity within art practice, 'work ethic', and what it means to be a male artist. All text and images are scans from the library's pages.

    • g39 Library Residency, Day one. June 2023. Image: Joshua Jones
