Cinema: Fake Your Death,
Take a Seat

16 September 2023

Mae g39 yn falch o groesawu Fake Your Death, Take a Seat - y trydydd mewn cyfres o ddangosiadau ffilm wleidyddol rhad ac am ddim sy`n cael eu cynnal ledled Caerdydd. // g39 is proud to host Fake Your Death, Take a Seat - the third in a series of free political film screenings taking place across Cardiff. Picking up the baton from @dyddiaudu

g39 is proud to host Fake Your Death, Take a Seat - the third in a series of free political film screenings taking place across Cardiff. Volumes one and two were hosted at Dyddiau Du in the city centre.

Volume three explores the possibility of collective identity and the future of socialist emancipation. From essayistic polemics to speculative fabulation, the three films probe our collective future from a range of perspectives.

16:00: Welcome and film introduction.
16:15: Between Times and Finding Aarti.
17:30: La Bataille de la Plaine
18:40: Post-screening discussion.

Marc Karlin's Between Times (1993, dur. 00.50’00” ) An essay on the future of the British Left, through the different perspectives of A, a socialist and Z, a postmodernist. Over a cup of tea, their wide-ranging search for alternatives the question is posed – is it still possible, even desirable, to draw a political map?

In Karlin's words, the film poses not simply a question of the rationality of socialism vs liberalism but further, how we represent politics to ourselves, how we live with these representations and our need for them.

Radha Patel's Finding Aarti (2020, dur. 00.18’48”) explores the relationships between mothers and daughters, the Earth and other planets to build a dialogue reflecting on reconciliation, forgiveness and above all curiosity that try to provide an answer to what it means to live on Earth. Radha Patel is a writer and artist whose work intersects across colonialism, nature, religion and the future.

The third film is Sandra Ach, Nicolas Burlaud and Thomas Hakenholz's Le Bataille de la Plaine (2021, dur. 01.10’00”). It documents a battle between the Marseille community and local government over the planned redevelopment of a historic public square. As inhabitants' struggle develops alongside their political aspirations, the film shifts to a fictional mode about the emancipatory goals of the movement.

In the spirit of the Parisian communards, the film questions how art might expand the field of political possibilities.

16:00: Welcome and film introduction.
16:15: Between Times and Finding Aarti.
17:30: La Bataille de la Plaine
18:40: Post-screening discussion.
