Intervention: Teddy Hunter and Imogen Marooney

1 July 2023

Live performance // Perfformiad yn fyw

Robert Oros has invited Teddy Hunter and Imogen Marooney to create an art intervention at g39. They have been asked to respond to the space and its audience, shifting and changing shape using sound, performance and video.

The art intervention will culminate in a series of collaborative and intersecting live performances happening on the evening of the 1st of July.

Teddy Hunter is a Cardiff based audio visual artist and electronic musician working in alternative music and immersive audio. Her practice takes root in sonic arts, exploring the environment through sound and installation where the gentle immersive ambience are combined with songwriting and traditional instrumentation.

Imogen Marooney is a performance, drawing and textile artist based in Cardiff. Her aim is to bring an understanding of ones body, its weight and cumbersome nature, then to embrace these characteristics through heavy and painful movements. Humour and playfulness are incorporated to take away the overwhelm the body provides. They wrap themselves in cloth and plastics and create characters, such as Beast or Jester.
