Heavy Water Collective
- residency

4 - 10 July 2022

Victoria Lucas, Joanna Whittle & Maud Haya-Baviera

Heavy Water, Site Gallery installation view 2021
Heavy Water, Site Gallery installation view 2021

Heavy Water has a unique atomic structure often used for the stabilisation of volatile matter.

Its materiality is mystical, permeating organic bodies, calming violent creations, grounding and giving weight to something fluid and intangible.

Maud Haya-Baviera, Victoria Lucas and Joanna Whittle have selected this title for their recent and upcoming collaborative exhibitions and their newly formed artist collective. They have recently completed a two-year artist-in-residence programme at Site Gallery, as part of Platform20 and the Freelands Artist Programme.

Join us for drinks and a talk about their work on:
18.00 - 20.00

The Heavy Water Collective focuses on the reclamation of narratives, in response to artefacts and remnants associated with human activity. Contemporary rituals are created from imagined past rites, symbiotic sorrows are conjured as a way to resist colonial capitalism, cultural artefacts are reformulated to reveal brutal truths. Accepting that there is no comfort of truth to be found in history and its past rituals, their work explores the creation of new histories as a way to address the reality of what humanity has wrought upon the world, while openly confronting our new environment and our responsibility for future history. This can only come with the contagion of history - the dark matter that precedes this re-emergence.

The Heavy Water Collective is forming new networks and partnerships with specific archives, collections, museums and galleries in order to unearth new ways of being-in-the-world. Respective interests are tied to the materiality of the land and humans' engagement with it culturally, economically, politically, socially and spiritually. Interpretations of specific archives and collections will generate new insights that seek to create stability and stillness amidst the turbulence of global uncertainty.

  • Heavy Water, Site Gallery installation view 2021
