(Team) Work in Practice: Jerwood Toolkit Workshop

7 July 2023

In March of this year, Jerwood Arts released their latest Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries Toolkit, (Team) Work in Practice. This new Toolkit has been created using the insights and experiences of the Fellows and Alumni of the Weston Jerwood programme to create actionable ideas for cultural leaders to drive inclusivity in their organisations.

The Toolkit is grounded in the authentic knowledge, experiences, and expertise of people from working-class/low socio-economic backgrounds. Instead of a checklist or framework, this Toolkit provides a collection of insights, ideas, and challenges to consider and try out.

Following the launch of the Toolkit, workshops will be held across the UK for people in the cultural sector to put the ideas of the Toolkit into practice. The workshops are designed and facilitated by six Toolkit Associates, all of whom have been Fellows on the WJCB programme, in collaboration with Jerwood Arts and people make it work.

These workshops will give organisations the opportunity to:
deepen their understanding of socio-economic inclusivity
work through examples and share ideas on approaches to inclusivity
consider how the ideas in the Toolkit could apply to their organisation
meet other organisations within a community of learning and accountability

