Sam Keelan

9 August 2024

Join us for the talk, have a drink, see the show, have a chat. Free. Everyone is invited! // Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer sgwrs i gael diod, gweld yr arddangosfa, a chael sgwrs. Am ddim. Mae croeso i bawb!

It’s great to be able to bring Sam Keelan back to Cardiff to give a talk about his art practice. Join us for a relaxed look at his work and hear more about the film he made for the Jerwood Survey III touring programme.

Sam Keelan uses photography, moving image and writing to tell gay surreal narratives and ideas around individualism, care and community. These narratives dissect day-to-day connections to one another, then transform the benign aspects of these ideas to create queer doppelgängers of dominant middle class ideologies, often reinserted back into domestic spaces.
