does that include us? / yn cynnwys ni? Part 1

23 July - 20 August 2016

does that include us? is a multi-artform programme of events presented by artists, facilitators and activists, some who identify as disabled and some who don’t.

For the first part of the season, 22 July – 25 August, you are invited to participate in social gatherings, performances, practical activities, conversations and debates. Through these activities we will find innovative and experimental ways to promote discussion around the subjects of access, inclusion, empathy and diversity within the arts and the wider community.

The second part of the season, 2 – 24 September, will be an exhibition of documentary
material with an accompanying
exhibition of the paintings of Sargy Mann.

More information for individual events and amendments to the timetable, will be
published here throughout the programme.

does that include us? / yn cynnwys ni? is the culmination of a year-long period of curatorial mentoring offered by g39 to artist-curator Gail Howard, and forms part of the Tu Fewn project supported by DASH and Disablity Arts Cymru. A Tu Fewn symposium is planned for later on in the year, please for updates.

Moment(o)s of Leaving, Elaine Paton

—Part 1
Events Calendar
All events are free and wheelchair accessible; please contact for more information about any specific access requirements, and we will endeavour to meet them wherever possible.
Unless stated, it is not necessary to book to attend events.

Wed 17 & Thurs 18 Aug
Moment(o)s of Leaving 1—5pm
Moment(o)s of Leaving: Stage 1, an inclusive, immersive performance at  Whitchurch Mental Hospital took place in early 2016, and the project now moves into  Stage 2 as  an experimental, performative installation, revealing nooks and crannies discovered whilst working on site at the hospital, join Elaine Paton and the team for a cup of tea and a chat.

Fri 19 Aug, Sat 20 Aug
Workshop — Department of Ability
The DoA
Inspired by an absence of superheros for children with disabilities to identify with, the Department of Ability has created a series of comic strip superheroes who use their disabilities as superpowers. Join them to create your own comic strip with a difference. Suitable for all ages, children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.

Fri 19 Aug, Sat 20 Aug
Workshop — PhotoRenga 11am—5pm

Facilitated by David Sinden and Kate Woodward
PhotoRenga are photo poems inspired by an ancient form of Japanese poetry in which sequences of haiku construct complex and profound verse. The aim of the PhotoRenga is to produce a series of short, multi-author rengas using images created on the day.A group will start from the g39 space, splitting up and taking photographs. After reviewing the images, one image from each person's camera is chosen and passed on to another in the group. This image is used as the source or inspiration to produce a new set of photographs from which one image is selected... and so on...
2 workshops: 19 August for people with brain injuries and on 20 August is aworkshop open to all
Lunch provided. Booking essential via

Sat 20 Aug
ARENA 10.30am

The Arena is a free speaking, expression of opinion and thought, 'Speakers Corner' There will be an opportunity to stand in the arena and talk or perform upon any subject you wish.'Freedom'.

Ways In, Ways Out
Visual art intervention using g39 as a site for exploring themes of access, visibility and inclusion. With work by g39 artists including James Cocks, Ellwyn Male and Emma Geliot.

—Part 2
3—24 Sept

Fri 2 Sept 6pm
Six Paintings by Sargy Mann Including season documentation by Nic Finch, Ben Ewart Dean and Nick Davies.

Sun 11 Sept
Street Scene 7pm
A surtitled performance from Opera in Situ based on Kurt Weill’s American opera ‘Street Scene’.

—Events so far.
Fri 22 July
Around the Toilet 4—6pm
The research for​yn cynnwys ni?​ at g39 begun in early 2015, and started by looking at one of the most fundamental manifestations of the need for debate around inclusion and institutional good practice – the toilet. Although the warehouse currently occupied by g39 is fitted with several toilets, none of them were accessible in a wheelchair or met the current regulations in terms of planning. Eighteen months later, we are very pleased to be able to invite you to the grand opening of our brand new toilet space, built by artists, and fully compliant, the new toilet will be opened by a team of academics, artists, activists and students who use arts practice based methods to explore what makes a safe and accessible toilet space.

Sat 23 July, 6 Aug, 13 Aug, 20 Aug
ARENA 11.30am
The Arena is a free speaking, expression of opinion and thought, 'Speakers Corner' style over four Saturday mornings .There will be an opportunity to stand in the arena and talk or perform upon any subject you wish, with four loose themes to each Saturday; the first is 'Truth' the second 'Justice' the third 'Beauty' and the last 'Freedom'. Participants can speak or perform, expressing their thoughts and opinions in an open environment and speaking in any manner or style they choose. Freedom of expression and thought is of paramount importance in a healthy society, and speakers and listeners are encouraged to consider this within the Arena “To speak his thoughts is every freeman’s right” Homer.
Contact Dai Howell for info

Noemi Lakmaier 6pm
Noemi uses her work as a means of exploring the personal and the political and notions of the ‘other’. Being and Doing is a durational performance in which Noemi will explore the space at g39 whilst wearing an 80 metre long red dress.

Wed 27 July
Moment(o)s of Leaving 1—5pm
Moment(o)s of Leaving: Stage 1, an inclusive, immersive performance at Whitchurch Mental Hospital took place in early 2016, and the project now moves into Stage 2 as an experimental, performative installation, revealing nooks and crannies discovered whilst working on site at the hospital, join Elaine Paton and the team for a cup of tea and a chat.

Mab Jones and Jonny Giles advance creative writing workshop — The Empath & The Activist 6—9pm

Taking inspiration from archetypes such as the Enneagram and the Tarot, Mab and Jonny will looks at ways and means of writing both the personal and the political. This is a workshop for writers who have some experience of writing already - applications for a place may be made to poet and facilitatorMab Jones

Thurs 28 July
Moment(o)s of Leaving 1—5pm
Moment(o)s of Leaving: Stage 1, an inclusive, immersive performance at Whitchurch Mental Hospital took place in early 2016, and the project now moves into Stage 2 as an experimental, performative installation, revealing nooks and crannies discovered whilst working on site at the hospital, join Elaine Paton and the team for a cup of tea and a chat.

Fri 29 July
Gathering #1: Empathy 11—4.30pm
Artist and performer Jonny Cotsen ‘Imagine you are walking through a park, you are looking at a baby in a pushchair crying, an elderly couple talking on a bench, the wind blowing the leaves in the trees, a dog barking, a group of teenagers playing football, a couple having a tearful argument, a person on a bike, another on the phone...then imagine all those unique individual sounds as a single hum. This is my world as a deaf person, this has been my life...trapped.’
Jonny Cotsen’s current work, as a facilitator and teacher, supports and enables deaf and disabled people to access the arts through education and engagement. Through performance, conversation and play, Jonny will encourage visitors to engage in an empathic experience, accessing the world through a deaf person’s eyes and ears. All welcome. BSL translated. Lunch provided. Book via

Words Allowed 7:30—10:30pm
Mab Jones Join Mab Jones and selected special guests for an illicit slice of spoken word. Expect poems of a dark nature, direct from the soul's soil, and dealing with themes related to mental health, dreams, feminism, activism, mythology, and more. Mab will be reading from her new award-winning collection, take your experience and peel it. Book via

Wed 3 Aug
Gathering #2: Four Fingers and Thirteen Toes 12—4pm
A student member of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Association, Rosie will be leading a mouth painting session and a conversation around the subject of access; she will also be reading from her autobiography Four Fingers and Thirteen Toes. This gathering is suitable for ages 8+ but children must be accompanied by an adult. Lunch provided
Book via

Workshop — Find Your Voice 7—10pm
Folk singer Frankie Armstrong explores the potential within our voices. Book via

Thursday 4 Aug
Gathering #3: Margins and the
Mainstream 4—6.30pm

Sara Beer and Paul Whittaker Performer Sara Beer of Disability Art Cymru and film maker Paul Whittaker discuss the need (or otherwise) for there to still be a disability arts movement; how can galleries and arts organisations address the space between the margins and the mainstreams and how can artists assume agency or control within the existing power structures? refreshments provided.

Fri 5 Aug
Gathering #4: Creativity vs Accessibility, Inclusive by Design

Session led by visually impaired young people Megan John and Mared Jarmen of UCAN.
UCAN Productions is an arts based organization for Blind and Partially Sighted young people and their friends, they focus on developing vocal and physical confidence through drama, music and having fun.
Mared Jarman and Megan John are founder members of UCAN Productions, and as visually impaired young women believe in creatively embedding accessibility into the core right from the very beginning.
During this session, Mared and Megan will be exploring new and fun ways of making accessibility sexy and interesting. ‘It doesn’t always have to be an expensive and inconvenient last minute add on.’
To find out more about them and the work UCAN do please visit .
Book via

I went mental and all I got was this lousy tee shirt 6pm
Performance and Q&A with The Vacuum Cleaner
Over the last 10 years artist and activist collective of one, the vacuum cleaner, has become semi-notorious for his acts of street brandalism, performance interventions and online pranks. Yet during this time he has also battled with severe mental illnesses and over the last two years this has become the focus of his work (and life). In this informal presentation he presents recent, current and future projects that have blended his practice with radical approaches to his own and others neurodiversity and mental health.

Sat 6 Aug
ARENA 11.30am
The Arena is a free speaking, expression of opinion and thought, 'Speakers Corner' style over four Saturday mornings with Dai Howell. SEE ABOVE EVENT

Workshop — Pavane 2—4pm
Jonny Cotsen
Exploring Acoustics from the medieval to the baroque.
Working with the performer and deaf facilitator Jonny Cotsen, music ensemble Pavane have devised a workshop with facilitator Jonny Cotsen which will look at ways for deaf people and people with hearing loss to experience music. This workshop is also for hearing people, and is open to all.

Thurs 11 Aug
JUKE spoken word event 7—11pm

This is a special one-off JUKE event which is part of the Tu Fewn Programme taking place over the months of July, August and September in the art gallery G39.

The project wants to explore ideas such as physical environment, invisible barriers and access, in light of this the chosen theme for JUKE is 'otherness'. This event will have two feature acts as well as an open mic section where anyone can come up to the mic and share their work.

We have all experienced being othered in some shape or form, perhaps in a group or as an individual, however, we also other people ourselves in ways that we don't always recognise. This event asks you to write about your own personal understanding of 'otherness' as well as perhaps how it works outside of yourself such as in society.
The two feature artists are:
Sara Annwyl
Patrick Jones

Fri 12 Aug
1FootSq 12—5pm
Create present an immersive multi sensory experience exploring notions of identity followed by a performance at 6pm

This immersive, multi sensory experience gives you the chance to uncover the truths that we keep locked away.
1ft2 was born from the UCAN Create project; an exciting collaboration between UCAN Productions and yello brick. From new digital practices to theatre in unusual spaces, UCAN Create offers young people new ways of thinking creatively about how to produce their own unique work. During this 5 minute experience 1ft2 encapsulates aspects of all creative practises from scent and sound based experiences to digital work and multi-narrative worlds.
Don’t miss the chance to snoop and pry through others lives. Discover what secrets are hiding behind locked doors.
more info from

A Practical Theatrical End to Hate

Performance by Mr and Mrs Clark
Mr and Mrs Clark present their unique brand of physical theatre, inviting the audience to assist them in bringing an end to hate 

Sat 13 Aug
ARENA 11.30am
The Arena is a free speaking, expression of opinion and thought, 'Speakers Corner' style over four Saturday mornings with Dai Howell. SEE ABOVE EVENT

Workshop — Accessing Music 2—4.30pm
Charlotte White
Paraorchestra musician Charlotte White delivers a workshop and performance using a variety of digital and analogue instruments, for people of all ages with sensory and physical impairments, but not exclusively. Charlotte will also give a short performance playing a Lynnstrument.

This show was curated by
  • Gail Howard
