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Results for: Catalogue

Imaging Wales-thumbImaging Wales
Author: Hugh Adams / Year: 2003 /
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Remote Control-thumbRemote Control
Author: ed. Helen Jones / Year: 2004 /
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Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2002 /
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Martin Boyce: For 1959 Capital Avenue-thumbMartin Boyce: For 1959 Capital Avenue
Author: ed. Udo Kittlemann / Year: 2002 /
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The Natural Element-thumbThe Natural Element
Author: David Briers / Year: 1989 /
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Story Time: An Exhibition by Artists Living in Israel/Palestine-thumbStory Time: An Exhibition by Artists Living in Israel/Palestine
Author: Anna Sherbany / Year: 1998 /
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Author: Matti Koskela / Year: 1985 /
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Return to Rhos, Knots and Tangles-thumbReturn to Rhos, Knots and Tangles
Author: Becca Group / Year: 1986 /
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Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2001 /
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Maryland Institute College of Art-thumbMaryland Institute College of Art
Author: Richard Anderson / Year: 1982 /
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Y Cwymp The Fall: Artists as Illustrators-thumbY Cwymp The Fall: Artists as Illustrators
Author: Isabel Hitchman / Year: 1976 /
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Small Sculpture-thumbSmall Sculpture
Author: Isobel Johnstone / Year: 1978 /
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Celf a Chrefft 1990-thumbCelf a Chrefft 1990
Author: W. J. Jones / Year: 1990 /
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Nachtregels Night lines-thumbNachtregels Night lines
Author: Marja Bosma, Ellen de Brujine / Year: 1991 /
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Author: Newport Museum and Art Gallery / Year: 1999 /
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Star Radio -thumbStar Radio
Author: Sweet/CBAT, Jennie Savage / Year: 2005 /
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Beyond Measure - Conversations across art and science-thumbBeyond Measure - Conversations across art and science
Author: Kettle`s Yard / Year: 2008 /
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Dabba Vide Cilvēks 1984-thumbDabba Vide Cilvēks 1984
Author: ed. Inese Baranovska / Year: 2004 /
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Graduates 92 Fine Art Cardiff-thumbGraduates 92 Fine Art Cardiff
Author: Paul Beachamp Course Director / Year: 1992 /
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Contemporary Finnish Sculpture Exhibition-thumbContemporary Finnish Sculpture Exhibition
Author: President. Viscount Tonypandy / Year: 1987 /
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Return to Rhos, Knots and Tangles-thumbReturn to Rhos, Knots and Tangles
Author: Becca Group / Year: 1986 /
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Playing Away UK: Neville Gabie-thumbPlaying Away UK: Neville Gabie
Author: Ian McMillan / Year: 2004 /
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Six Contemporary Printmakers in Wales-thumbSix Contemporary Printmakers in Wales
Author: Annie Giles Hobbs, Sue Hunt, Chris Lloyd, Tim Long, Tom Piper, John Purnell / Year: 2002 /
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Eesti Kunstnikud Artists of Estonia 3-thumbEesti Kunstnikud Artists of Estonia 3
Author: Mari Laanemets, Katrin Kivimaa, Mari Laaniste, et al. / Year: 2007 /
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Eiropas Telpa - Sculpture Quadrennial-thumbEiropas Telpa - Sculpture Quadrennial
Author: ed. Gundega Cēbere / Year: 2004 /
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Today - Invited Artists-thumbToday - Invited Artists
Author: Peter Jones / Year: 1969 /
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Bologna 2000: Architettura-thumbBologna 2000: Architettura
Author: Josep Martorell, Oriol Bohigas, David Mackay / Year: 2000 /
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Art in the Garden: Installations-thumbArt in the Garden: Installations
Author: Graeme Murray / Year: 1988 /
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L` art dans le métro: Bruxelles-thumbL` art dans le métro: Bruxelles
Author: Ludo Bekkers, Robert Delevoy / Year: 1982 /
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The Jackdaws of Caerphilly-thumbThe Jackdaws of Caerphilly
Author: Julie Westerman / Year: 1998 /
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Therence O`Rourke: creating successful environments-thumbTherence O`Rourke: creating successful environments
Author: Therence O`Rourke / Year: 2007 /
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Kaido Ole-thumbKaido Ole
Author: Kaido Ole / Year: 2007 /
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Author: Martin Richman / Year: 2000 /
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Art in Public Places: the archive of the PADT-thumbArt in Public Places: the archive of the PADT
Author: Ellen Tait / Year: 2009 /
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Artists for Tichy-thumbArtists for Tichy
Author: Hans-Peter Wipplinger, Roman Buxbaum, Adi Hoesle, Bazon Brock, Fatima Naqvi, Michael Stavaric / Year: 2006 /
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Young Stonian Artists-thumbYoung Stonian Artists
Author: Karin Laansoo / Year: 2005 /
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Jane Prophet-thumbJane Prophet
Author: Jane Prophet / Year: 2000 /
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Author: Scottish Sculpture Workshop / Year: 1996 /
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Mapping 001: cartography, philosophy, visual art, performance and surrounding areas-thumbMapping 001: cartography, philosophy, visual art, performance and surrounding areas
Author: Organised by Jennie Savage / Year: 2004 /
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On and Off the Level-thumbOn and Off the Level
Author: Glynn Vivian Art Gallery / Year: 1994 /
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20th Century and Contemporary Welsh Art-thumb20th Century and Contemporary Welsh Art
Author: Martin Tinney / Year: 2007 /
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Barrie Cook John Mitchell-thumbBarrie Cook John Mitchell
Author: Richard Cox, David Briers / Year: 2006 /
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Kunst im Stadtbild: Stuttgart 1977-thumbKunst im Stadtbild: Stuttgart 1977
Author: Ulrich Gertz, Rommel Oberburgermeister / Year: 1977 /
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Stirred for a bird-thumbStirred for a bird
Author: Gallery Pangolin / Year: 2010 /
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Position & Appearance: Hideo Furuta-thumbPosition & Appearance: Hideo Furuta
Author: David Briers, William Varley / Year: 1997 /
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A Space for Dreaming: A Different Reality-thumbA Space for Dreaming: A Different Reality
Author: Richard Harris / Year: 1991 /
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Set Aside: Roger Ackling-thumbSet Aside: Roger Ackling
Author: Annely Juda Fine Art / Year: 1998 /
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Richard Cox: Bemis Centre For Contemporary Arts-thumbRichard Cox: Bemis Centre For Contemporary Arts
Author: Sara Bowie, Richard Cox / Year: 2001 /
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Chairs and Spinsters-thumbChairs and Spinsters
Author: Barbara Beyer, Jackie McNamee, Arild Bergstrom / Year: 2002 /
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The Scottish Show: Recent paintings by sixteen artists continuing the Scottish tradition over the pa-thumbThe Scottish Show: Recent paintings by sixteen artists continuing the Scottish tradition over the pa
Author: Michael Nixon, James Holloway, Duncan Macmillan, et al. / Year: 1988 /
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Beagles & Ramsay-thumbBeagles & Ramsay
Author: Hannah Firth, Patricia Ellis / Year: 2004 /
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Gloria Friedmann: I.Q.-thumbGloria Friedmann: I.Q.
Author: Gloria Friedmann, Annely Juda Fine Art, Städtische Kunstsammlungen Augsburg / Year: 1997 /
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Gloria Friedmann: I.Q.-thumbGloria Friedmann: I.Q.
Author: Gloria Friedmann, Annely Juda Fine Art, Städtische Kunstsammlungen Augsburg / Year: 1997 /
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Gloria Friedmann: I.Q.-thumbGloria Friedmann: I.Q.
Author: Gloria Friedmann, Annely Juda Fine Art, Städtische Kunstsammlungen Augsburg / Year: 1997 /
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Reiko Aoyagi + Emma Lawton-thumbReiko Aoyagi + Emma Lawton
Author: Jenni Spencer-Davies, Susan Butler / Year: 1996 /
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Paule Vezelay & Andre Masson-thumbPaule Vezelay & Andre Masson
Author: Sarah Wilson / Year: 1989 /
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Art Brenner Sculpture-thumbArt Brenner Sculpture
Author: Art Brenner, Major Commissions for Architectural and Public Spaces / Year: 1988 /
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Eric Malthouse: paintings/John Warren Davis: sculpture-thumbEric Malthouse: paintings/John Warren Davis: sculpture
Author: Arts Council of Great Britain. Welsh Committee, Eric Malthouse, John Warren Davis / Year: 1964 /
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Living on the line: Zoe Cameron, Jessica Cooper, Naomi Frears, Maggie Henshall, Rachael Kantaris, Pa-thumbLiving on the line: Zoe Cameron, Jessica Cooper, Naomi Frears, Maggie Henshall, Rachael Kantaris, Pa
Author: Zoe Cameron, Jessica Cooper, Naomi Frears, Maggie Henshall, Rachael Kantaris, Paul Lewin, Alex Smirn / Year: 1999 /
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Something funny in the woodshed-thumbSomething funny in the woodshed
Author: Susan Adams, Thomas Barker, Christopher Nurse, Jennet Thomas / Year: 2001 /
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Sculpture in the close-thumbSculpture in the close
Author: Bill Stronge, Colin Renfrew / Year: 1992 /
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Mondriaan Foundation International 1999-thumbMondriaan Foundation International 1999
Author: Mondriaan Foundation / Year: 2000 /
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The St Ives School 1997-2007-thumbThe St Ives School 1997-2007
Author: Christopher Short, Mike Tooby, Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2007 /
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Eesti Kunstnikud Artists of Estonia 1-thumbEesti Kunstnikud Artists of Estonia 1
Author: Annus Arrak, Janov Kasemaa, Kask Keskkula, et al. / Year: 1998 /
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Belgrade Art Inc.: Momente des Umbruchs / Moments of Change-thumbBelgrade Art Inc.: Momente des Umbruchs / Moments of Change
Author: Matthias Herrmann, Marko Lulic, Stevan Vukovic, et al. / Year: 2005 /
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Phyto-form: an exhibition by Julia Barton-thumbPhyto-form: an exhibition by Julia Barton
Author: Vivian Russell / Year: 2001 /
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Herve Constant: A Pilgrim`s journey-thumbHerve Constant: A Pilgrim`s journey
Author: Sue Hubbard, Kate Saunders / Year: 1997 /
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Kimio Tsuchiya: Provenance-thumbKimio Tsuchiya: Provenance
Author: Hajime Morita, Chuji Suga, / Year: 1994 /
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Walther Mertel: Skulturen und Zeichnungen-thumbWalther Mertel: Skulturen und Zeichnungen
Author: Manfred Fath, Städtische Kunsthalle. Mannheim, Heinz thiel, Adalbert Stifter / Year: 1987 /
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Regards sur...-thumbRegards sur...
Author: Centre régional de la photographie, Nord Pas-de-Calais, Aude Cordonnier, Pierre Devin / Year: 1988 /
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Author: Shelagh Hourahane, / Year: 1988 /
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As above so below-thumbAs above so below
Author: Glen Onwin, James Birrell, Stuart Morgan, Terry Friedman / Year: 1991 /
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Eesti kunstnikud Artists of Estonia 2-thumbEesti kunstnikud Artists of Estonia 2
Author: Johannes Saar, Ants Juske, Boris Bernstein, et al. / Year: 2000 /
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Hermit: Letokruhy/Growthrings: 1993 Plasy-thumbHermit: Letokruhy/Growthrings: 1993 Plasy
Author: Hermit Foundation / Year: 1993 /
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Author: Martin Lister / Year: 1993 /
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Observa O Rio Do Rio-thumbObserva O Rio Do Rio
Author: Vanda Vilela / Year: 1997 /
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Sculptor 85-thumbSculptor 85
Author: Ukri Merikanto / Year: 1985 /
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Clay Sculpture -thumbClay Sculpture
Author: Ed. Gordon Young / Year: 1980 /
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40 Under 40 The New Generation in Britain-thumb40 Under 40 The New Generation in Britain
Author: Ed. Dr Andreas C Papadakis / Year: 1989 /
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Author: André Stitt / Year: 2006 /
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Author: Anders Pleass / Year: 2004 /
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Between the Centre and Periphery-thumbBetween the Centre and Periphery
Author: Peter Noever / Year: 1995 /
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Ivor Davies: Legends from The White Book-thumbIvor Davies: Legends from The White Book
Author: Jan Morris, David Alston / Year: 1997 /
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Moving Targets: A User`s Guide To British Art Now-thumbMoving Targets: A User`s Guide To British Art Now
Author: Louisa Buck / Year: 1997 /
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Author: Gordon Dalton / Year: 2008 /
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Colony; As if something once mentioned now plain to see-thumbColony; As if something once mentioned now plain to see
Author: Mona Casey, Paul McAree / Year: 2007 /
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Springhill Institute Report on Activities-thumbSpringhill Institute Report on Activities
Author: ed. Krin Kihlberg, Reuben Henry / Year: 2007 /
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Arts Council Collection-thumbArts Council Collection
Author: Jackie Ford / Year: 1979 /
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Author: Andrea Rose / Year: 1992 /
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Black Screen Book-thumbBlack Screen Book
Author: Matias Faldbakken / Year: 2005 /
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Galanty; Brass Art-thumbGalanty; Brass Art
Author: Chara Lewis, kristin Mojsiewicz, Anneké Pettican / Year: 2005 /
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Art from Goldsmiths -thumbArt from Goldsmiths
Author: Goldsmiths University of London / Year: 2011 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Author: Various /
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Seeing Walls-thumbSeeing Walls
Author: Alec Shepley, John McClenaghen / Year: 2006 /
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Miranda Whall-thumbMiranda Whall
Author: Eve Ropek / Year: 2010 /
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Fine Art Degree Show 2012-thumbFine Art Degree Show 2012
Author: David Fitzjohn / Year: 2012 /
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Author: Lesley Sanderson, Julie Westerman / Year: 2004 /
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Art In The Environment; An Exhibition of Research in Scandanavia-thumbArt In The Environment; An Exhibition of Research in Scandanavia
Author: Mhairi Killin, John Cairns / Year: 1992 /
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Antwerpen Middelheim 14th Beinnale-thumbAntwerpen Middelheim 14th Beinnale
Author: Various / Year: 1977 /
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Schneeschmelze; Zeitgenössische Finnische Kunst-thumbSchneeschmelze; Zeitgenössische Finnische Kunst
Author: Edelbert Köb / Year: 1988 /
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Hotel Eden; Råume der Zeichnung-thumbHotel Eden; Råume der Zeichnung
Author: Peter Riek / Year: 2000 /
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Space Between Us-thumbSpace Between Us
Author: Una Henry, Thomas Peutz / Year: 2003 /
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International Sculptors` Symposium-thumbInternational Sculptors` Symposium
Author: Various /
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Author: Mark Dunhill / Year: 1997 /
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Francis Alys; A Strory of Deception-thumbFrancis Alys; A Strory of Deception
Author: Tate Modern / Year: 2010 /
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Artworks Wales-thumbArtworks Wales

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Sean Edwards; It`s Not What We Wanted But We`ll Settle-thumbSean Edwards; It`s Not What We Wanted But We`ll Settle
Author: Sean Edwards, Lisa Peachey / Year: 2008 /
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How Altermodern Are You?-thumbHow Altermodern Are You?
Author: Various / Year: 2009 /
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Vortex Gallery; Retrospective-thumbVortex Gallery; Retrospective
Author: Various /
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Chemins de Sculptures-thumbChemins de Sculptures
Author: Various /
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Existance, Dream, Liberty-thumbExistance, Dream, Liberty
Author: Behrooz Daresh, Hossein Khosrojerdi, Ahmad Nadalian / Year: 2003 /
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Configuarcions Urbanes -thumbConfiguarcions Urbanes
Author: Various / Year: 1992 /
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Locator; Contemporary Art in Newcastle Gateshead-thumbLocator; Contemporary Art in Newcastle Gateshead
Author: Various / Year: 2006 /
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Der Prix Ars Electronica 93-thumbDer Prix Ars Electronica 93
Author: Various / Year: 1993 /
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Triennial Sculpture Exhibition 1999-thumbTriennial Sculpture Exhibition 1999
Author: Ed. John Maine / Year: 1999 /
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Bilan 1996-1997 L`integration Des Arts -thumbBilan 1996-1997 L`integration Des Arts
Author: Francine Guay / Year: 1998 /
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At Home with the Collection-thumbAt Home with the Collection
Author: Simon Grennan & Christopher Sperandio / Year: 1992 /
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Sculpture in a Country Park-thumbSculpture in a Country Park
Author: Gordon Young / Year: 1983 /
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Situation Leeds Visual Arts Festival-thumbSituation Leeds Visual Arts Festival
Author: Kerry Harker / Year: 2005 /
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Dispatch 134 Norwich Gallery 2007 - 1980-thumbDispatch 134 Norwich Gallery 2007 - 1980
Author: Curator Lynda Morris / Year: 2007 /
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Luper at Compton Verney-thumbLuper at Compton Verney
Author: Peter Greenaway / Year: 2004 /
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2 Show Young Art from Latvia and Lithuania-thumb2 Show Young Art from Latvia and Lithuania
Author: Ed. Iveta Boiko / Year: 2004 /
Out of stock: Due 22 September 2014

European Media Art Festival-thumbEuropean Media Art Festival
Year: 1997 /
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The Sculpture Show-thumbThe Sculpture Show
Author: Paul de Monchaux, Fenella Crichton, Kate Blacker / Year: 1983 /
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56 Group Wales-thumb56 Group Wales
Author: ed. Michael Williams / Year: 1993 /
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Francis Hewlett-thumbFrancis Hewlett
Author: Glyn Tegai Hughes / Year: 1978 /
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Vuoden Nuori Taiteilija 187-thumbVuoden Nuori Taiteilija 187
Author: ed. Kaarina Suonio / Year: 1987 /
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Art For Networks-thumbArt For Networks
Author: ed. Hannah Firth, Simon Pope / Year: 2002 /
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A. Games: 60 Years of Design-thumbA. Games: 60 Years of Design
Author: E.H. Gombrich, Charles Spencer, Tricia Cusack / Year: 1990 /
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Recent Work by Six Upstate Sculptors-thumbRecent Work by Six Upstate Sculptors
Author: ed. Sherry Chayat / Year: 1993 /
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Author: ed. Pam Salter / Year: 1997 /
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For Lack of Evidence-thumbFor Lack of Evidence
Author: Rosi Huhn, Barbara Fischer / Year: 1993 /
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Author: Patrick Jones / Year: 1997 /
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Three Little Books About Sculpture - 3 Mind Over Matter-thumbThree Little Books About Sculpture - 3 Mind Over Matter
Author: ed. Michael Harrison / Year: 1984 /
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Nine Sculptors In Scotland-thumbNine Sculptors In Scotland
Author: Murdo Macdonald / Year: 1994 /
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Installationen Objeckte-thumbInstallationen Objeckte
Author: Eisfabrik / Year: 1989 /
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Bay Art: Butetown Artists-thumbBay Art: Butetown Artists
Author: Philip Nicol /
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Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2001 /
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Author: eds. Sarah Pierce, Julie Bacon / Year: 2007 /
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Author: Richard Cox /
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Infinite Longing-thumbInfinite Longing
Author: Siân Melangell Dafydd / Year: 2006 /
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Welsh Drawings-thumbWelsh Drawings
Author: Tom Cross / Year: 1963 /
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Cooper / Henshall / Nicholson-thumbCooper / Henshall / Nicholson
Author: The City Gallery / Year: 2001 /
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National Sculpture Factory-thumbNational Sculpture Factory
Author: Vivienne Roche / Year: 1991 /
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Edinburgh Ten 30-thumbEdinburgh Ten 30
Author: Edward Gage / Year: 1975 /
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Today - 56 Group Wales-thumbToday - 56 Group Wales
Author: Edward Lucie-Smith / Year: 1969 /
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Cognition Control - Materials 02-thumbCognition Control - Materials 02
Author: Director Stefan Kalmar / Year: 2002 /
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Gloria Friedman I.Q./E.Q.-thumbGloria Friedman I.Q./E.Q.
Author: Gloria Friedman / Year: 1997 /
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Room 13 - What Age Can You Start Becoming an Artist?-thumbRoom 13 - What Age Can You Start Becoming an Artist?
Author: Finlay Finlayson / Year: 2003 /
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As If Something Once Mentioned Now Plain To See - Colony-thumbAs If Something Once Mentioned Now Plain To See - Colony
Author: Mona Casey + Paul McAree / Year: 2007 /
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Automobiennale 18 16Jun-6Oct 1985-thumbAutomobiennale 18 16Jun-6Oct 1985
Year: 1985 / Issue No.: 18 /
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Aomori Contemporary Art Centre - Artist in Residence Program-thumbAomori Contemporary Art Centre - Artist in Residence Program
Author: Director Hamada Goji / Year: Spring 2002 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Middelheim Antwerpen Biennale 16-thumbMiddelheim Antwerpen Biennale 16
Year: 14 Jun - 11 Oct 1985 / Issue No.: 16 /
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Visions Of Identity-thumbVisions Of Identity
Author: Tim Edwards / Year: 1998 /
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Dorothea Von Stetten- Kunstpreis 2002 - Kunstmuseum Bonn-thumbDorothea Von Stetten- Kunstpreis 2002 - Kunstmuseum Bonn
Author: Christoph Schreier / Year: 2002 /
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Year: 1992 /
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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Ceredigion 1992-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Ceredigion 1992
Year: 1-8 August 1992 /
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Documenta Wissen 3000-thumbDocumenta Wissen 3000
Author: Alfred Nemeczek / Year: 2002 /
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Re-Claiming Land - An Exhibition of Site Sculptures-thumbRe-Claiming Land - An Exhibition of Site Sculptures
Author: Curators Sylvia Swaan + Terry LeVeque / Year: 1 Aug - 17 October 1992 /
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Statens Konstrad Nr. 21 1991-thumbStatens Konstrad Nr. 21 1991
Author: Staffan Cullberg / Year: 1991 / Issue No.: 21 /
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In Our Luggage-thumbIn Our Luggage
Author: ed. Amber Hiscott /
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Henry Moore and Michael Rosenauer-thumbHenry Moore and Michael Rosenauer
Author: Peyton Skipwith, Timothy Lingard / Year: 1988 /
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From Wales: Selected Aspects of Contemporary Art-thumbFrom Wales: Selected Aspects of Contemporary Art
Author: Peter Jones / Year: 1977 /
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Scottish Connection-thumbScottish Connection
Author: Richard Stokes, Euan McArthur / Year: 1989 /
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Author: Malcolm Miles / Year: 1991 /
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Contemporary Stone Sculpture from Zimbabwe-thumbContemporary Stone Sculpture from Zimbabwe
Author: Keith Shiri / Year: 1988 /
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Recent Purchases-thumbRecent Purchases
Author: ed. Andrew Knight / Year: 1979 /
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Portland Clifftop Sculpture Park-thumbPortland Clifftop Sculpture Park
Author: Clare Rowe / Year: 1983 /
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Three Little Books About Sculpture - 1 Flesh and Stone-thumbThree Little Books About Sculpture - 1 Flesh and Stone
Author: Joanna Drew / Year: 1984 /
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Three Little Books About Sculpture - 2 Sculpture`s Dance-thumbThree Little Books About Sculpture - 2 Sculpture`s Dance
Author: Joanna Drew / Year: 1983 /
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GRWP 56 Cymru/56 Group Wales-thumbGRWP 56 Cymru/56 Group Wales
Author: David Briers / Year: 1990 /
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Gagan Dadhich + Shahid Parvez - Wales Rajasthan Exchance 1998 UWIC-thumbGagan Dadhich + Shahid Parvez - Wales Rajasthan Exchance 1998 UWIC
Author: Richard Cox / Year: 1998 /
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15de Biennale Middelheim-thumb15de Biennale Middelheim
Author: ed. Mathilde Schroyens / Year: 1979 /
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56 Group Wales: Art In Wales: The 20th Century -thumb56 Group Wales: Art In Wales: The 20th Century
Author: Welsh Arts Council /
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X Artists in Residence 1984-1994-thumbX Artists in Residence 1984-1994
Author: Lucy Milton / Year: 1994 /
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Brith Gof: Y Llyfyr Glas-thumbBrith Gof: Y Llyfyr Glas
Author: Mike Pearson, Cliff McLucas, Richard Morgan / Year: 1995 /
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Tracy Emin: Borrowed Light Venice Biennale 2007-thumbTracy Emin: Borrowed Light Venice Biennale 2007
Author: Tracy Emin / Year: 2007 /
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The Institute of Critical Zoologists: Field Test Report TB081-thumbThe Institute of Critical Zoologists: Field Test Report TB081
Author: The Institute of Critical Zoologists / Year: 2007 /
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Common Ground: Annnexe Chapter-thumbCommon Ground: Annnexe Chapter
Author: Paul Hurley / Year: 2008 /
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The British Art Show-thumbThe British Art Show
Author: William Packer / Year: 1980 /
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Displacement and Change-thumbDisplacement and Change
Author: Artworks Wales / Year: 1994 /
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Status Of Sculpture-thumbStatus Of Sculpture
Author: Bernard Brunon / Year: 1991 /
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Where R U Dove 6-thumbWhere R U Dove 6
Author: Lulu Quinn + Julie Westerman / Year: 2000 /
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Gagan Dadhich + Shahid Parvez - Wales Rajasthan Exchance 1998 UWIC-thumbGagan Dadhich + Shahid Parvez - Wales Rajasthan Exchance 1998 UWIC
Author: Richard Cox / Year: 1998 /
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Transcontinental - Nine Latin American Artists-thumbTranscontinental - Nine Latin American Artists
Author: Ikon Gallery / Year: 1990 /
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Towards Sculpture-thumbTowards Sculpture
Author: Welsh Arts Council / Year: 1970 /
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Co{}ect -thumbCo{}ect
Author: Crafts Council / Year: 2006 /
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Richard Estes - Recent Works-thumbRichard Estes - Recent Works
Author: Clive Head / Year: 2000 /
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Black Wound - Aln Evans-thumbBlack Wound - Aln Evans
Author: Sandra Jackman / Year: 2000 /
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Lohan Emmanuel-thumbLohan Emmanuel
Author: Cassian de Vere Cole / Year: 1997 /
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Mynydd Dyffryn: Afon Mor-thumbMynydd Dyffryn: Afon Mor
Author: Joan Fowler / Year: 1991 /
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The Jerwood Drawing Prize 2005-thumbThe Jerwood Drawing Prize 2005
Author: Stephen Farthing, Martin Kemp, Sarah Simblet / Year: 2006 /
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Sculpture at Margam-thumbSculpture at Margam
Author: Margam Park /
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Sbornik Catalogue-thumbSbornik Catalogue
Author: Igor Korpaczewski / Year: 1993 /
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A Quality of Noticing-thumbA Quality of Noticing
Author: Rei Naito / Year: 1993 /
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Author: David O`Kane / Year: 2010 /
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between a rock and a hard place-thumbbetween a rock and a hard place
Author: Tim Davies / Year: 2009 /
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Harry Holland 1995-thumbHarry Holland 1995
Author: Harry Holland / Year: 1995 /
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Collective 1984-2009-thumbCollective 1984-2009
Author: Various Authors / Year: 2009 /
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The Derek Williams Collection-thumbThe Derek Williams Collection
Author: Mark L. Evans / Year: 1989 /
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States of Exchange / Artists from Cuba-thumbStates of Exchange / Artists from Cuba
Author: Various Authors / Year: 2008 /
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Jasenko Rasol: Pokriveno/Covered-thumbJasenko Rasol: Pokriveno/Covered
Author: Sandra Krizic Roban / Year: 2001 /
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Gonestrwydd Celfyddyd The Probity of Art-thumbGonestrwydd Celfyddyd The Probity of Art
Author: Patrick Dolan / Year: 1980 /
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Chelsea Harbour Sculpture 93-thumbChelsea Harbour Sculpture 93
Author: The Royal Society of British Sculptors / Year: 1993 /
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Fine Art Graduates 2003: Cardiff School of Art & Design-thumbFine Art Graduates 2003: Cardiff School of Art & Design
Author: Steve Young / Year: 2003 /
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Statens Konstrad No 22. 1991-thumbStatens Konstrad No 22. 1991
Author: Anne-Sofi Noring / Year: 1991 /
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Observa O Rio Do Rio-thumbObserva O Rio Do Rio
Author: Vanda Vilela / Year: 1997 /
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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 1999-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 1999
Author: Gwilym Evans / Year: 1999 / Issue No.: Wales, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Photography, Architecture, Drawing /
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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2004-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2004
Author: Gethin While / Year: 2004 /
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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2005-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2005
Author: Sian Owen / Year: 2005 /
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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2001-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2001
Author: Rosemary Jones / Year: 2001 /
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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2003-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2003
Author: Eleri Mills / Year: 2003 /
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Documenta11 Platfprm 5-thumbDocumenta11 Platfprm 5
Author: Christian Rattenmeyer / Year: 2002 /
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Bay Art Oriel-thumbBay Art Oriel
Year: 2003 /
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New Directions in Scotish Sculpture-thumbNew Directions in Scotish Sculpture
Author: John Hoole Curator / Year: 1990 /
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Sculptors Society of Ireland-thumbSculptors Society of Ireland
Author: Chaim Factor, Leo Higgins, Colm Brennan / Year: 1982 /
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MA Fine Art U.W.I.C. 2004-thumbMA Fine Art U.W.I.C. 2004
Author: Paul Beachamp Course Director / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Denatured Visions: Landscape and Culture in the Twentieth Century-thumbDenatured Visions: Landscape and Culture in the Twentieth Century
Author: Stuart Wrede / Year: 1991 /
In stock

National Museum Wales: Celebrating the First 100 Years-thumbNational Museum Wales: Celebrating the First 100 Years
Author: Michael Houlihan / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Author: Peter F. Anthonissen / Year: 1987 /
In stock

56 Group Wales-thumb56 Group Wales
Author: Welsh Arts Council / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Anish Kapoor-thumbAnish Kapoor
Author: Homi K. Bhaba & Pier Luigi Tazzi / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Art & Aesthetics Degree Show 2002-thumbArt & Aesthetics Degree Show 2002
Year: 2002 /
In stock

Vassiviere En Limousin - Centre D`art Contemporain-thumbVassiviere En Limousin - Centre D`art Contemporain
Author: Philippe Piguet / Year: 1997 /
In stock

The Yorkshire Sculpture Park-thumbThe Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Year: 1983 /
In stock

Author: Judith Tucker / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 1998-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 1998
Author: John Birmingham / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Navigating the Dot - 50 th Venice Biennale-thumbNavigating the Dot - 50 th Venice Biennale
Author: Para/Site Art Space Collective. / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Lan2d - Beyond Landscape-thumbLan2d - Beyond Landscape
Author: Judith Tucker & Iain Biggs / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Glebs Pantelejevs-thumbGlebs Pantelejevs
Author: Glebs Pantelejevs / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Abstracts: Three Painters-thumbAbstracts: Three Painters
Author: Corole-Anne Davies / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Structures Transverses-thumbStructures Transverses
Author: Necmi Sonmez / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Structures Transverses-thumbStructures Transverses
Author: Necmi Sonmez / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Painting: Ysbryd / Spirit Wales-thumbPainting: Ysbryd / Spirit Wales
Author: Norbert Lynton /
In stock

Associates in New York-thumbAssociates in New York
Author: Director Ryan Gander / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Revolution I Love You: 1968 in Art, Politics, Philosophy-thumbRevolution I Love You: 1968 in Art, Politics, Philosophy
Author: Maja & Reuben Fowkes / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Fine To Functional-thumbFine To Functional
Author: Robert Harding /
In stock

Art Sheffield 08: Yes, No & Other Options-thumbArt Sheffield 08: Yes, No & Other Options
Author: Sheila McGregor / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Capital -thumbCapital
Author: Cleo Broda, Clare Stephenson, Simon Webb / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Author: George R. MacLaren / Year: 2005 /
In stock

56 Group Wales-thumb56 Group Wales
Author: Sheila McGregor / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Installationen Objeckte-thumbInstallationen Objeckte
Year: 1989 /
In stock

Villany 1984-85 International Sculptors Symposium-thumbVillany 1984-85 International Sculptors Symposium
Author: Gyorgy Varkonyi / Year: 1985 /
In stock

Anthony Shapland: Suddenly After A Long Silence-thumbAnthony Shapland: Suddenly After A Long Silence
Author: Hannah Firth Chapter Arts / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Lightworks: Elizabeth Swinburne-thumbLightworks: Elizabeth Swinburne
Author: Anne Fletcher-Williams / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Carwyn Evans: That Morning He Watched The Dawn -thumbCarwyn Evans: That Morning He Watched The Dawn
Author: Alex Boyd / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Ossi Somma: The Swastika is Here Today-thumbOssi Somma: The Swastika is Here Today
Author: Porin Taidemuseo / Year: 1986 /
In stock

Heather & Ivan Morrison: Wales at Venice Biennale -thumbHeather & Ivan Morrison: Wales at Venice Biennale
Author: Hannah Firth, Chapter Arts / Year: 2008 /
In stock

William Scott: Paintings and Drawing-thumbWilliam Scott: Paintings and Drawing
Author: Declan McGonagle / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Hideo Furuta: Sculpture and Drawing -thumbHideo Furuta: Sculpture and Drawing
Author: Cheryl Foster / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Hideo Furuta: Position and Appearance -thumbHideo Furuta: Position and Appearance
Author: Walt Warrilow / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Michael Flynn: Running the Dog-thumbMichael Flynn: Running the Dog
Author: Walt Warrilow / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Gunther Forg: European Arts Festival 1992: The Threat of Serenity-thumbGunther Forg: European Arts Festival 1992: The Threat of Serenity
Author: Susan Daniel / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Simryn Gill: OVA Touring Exhibition-thumbSimryn Gill: OVA Touring Exhibition
Author: Sunil Gupta & Edward Ward / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Art Sheffield 08: Yes, No & Other Options-thumbArt Sheffield 08: Yes, No & Other Options
Author: Jan Verwoert / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Altermodern: At Tate Britain: Tate Triennial 3-thumbAltermodern: At Tate Britain: Tate Triennial 3
Author: Nicholas Bourriaud / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Siolru: A Celebration of the National Maternity Hospital Centenary-thumbSiolru: A Celebration of the National Maternity Hospital Centenary
Author: Eavan Boland / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Zadok Ben David: Venice Biennale 1988-thumbZadok Ben David: Venice Biennale 1988
Author: Adam Baruch / Year: 1988 /
In stock

The Swimming Pool: Chapter Arts Centre-thumbThe Swimming Pool: Chapter Arts Centre
Author: Chapter Arts Cardiff / Year: 1979 /
In stock

Ujamaa: Afrika Museum-thumbUjamaa: Afrika Museum
Year: 1997 /
In stock

Landscape Now: Contemporary Artists Working With Nature-thumbLandscape Now: Contemporary Artists Working With Nature
Author: Ian Vines / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Stefan Gec: Bloodlines-thumbStefan Gec: Bloodlines
Author: Alison Lloyd / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Nick Gmmon-thumbNick Gmmon
Author: Nick Gammon / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Stefan Gec: The Outside World-thumbStefan Gec: The Outside World
Author: Claire Lilley / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Sixties and Seventies: Barry Flanagan-thumbSixties and Seventies: Barry Flanagan
Author: Clive adams / Year: 1981 /
In stock

Dark Secrets... Mortal Thoughts-thumbDark Secrets... Mortal Thoughts
Author: John Paul Evans / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Light Works: Simon Fenoulhet-thumbLight Works: Simon Fenoulhet
Author: Karen MacKinnon / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Elisabeth Frink -thumbElisabeth Frink
Author: Edwrd Lucie-Smith / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Blush: Julie Major & Nigek Freake-thumbBlush: Julie Major & Nigek Freake
Author: Sue Hubbard / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Elisabeth Frink: A Celebration-thumbElisabeth Frink: A Celebration
Author: Peter Shaffer / Year: 1993 /
In stock

Simon Fenoulhet: Another Light-thumbSimon Fenoulhet: Another Light
Author: Karen MacKinnon & Jenni Spencer Davies / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Elisabeth Frink Sculpture and Drawings 1952 - 1984-thumbElisabeth Frink Sculpture and Drawings 1952 - 1984
Author: Sarah Kent / Year: 1985 /
In stock

Tamar Getter - Fit To Stand The Gaze Of Millions-thumbTamar Getter - Fit To Stand The Gaze Of Millions
Author: Tamar Getter / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Merlyn Evans 1910 - 1973-thumbMerlyn Evans 1910 - 1973
Author: Frederick Laws / Year: 1974 /
In stock

Ivan Faktor - Fritz Lang und Ich-thumbIvan Faktor - Fritz Lang und Ich
Year: 2004 /
In stock

Colin Reid-thumbColin Reid
Author: Colin Reid / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Bro Enedigol/Native land-thumbBro Enedigol/Native land
Author: Oriel Mostyn Gallery / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Peter Randall-Page: New Sculptures and Drawings
Author: Peter Randall-Page, Ann Elliott / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Peter Randall-Page: New Sculptures and Drawings -thumbPeter Randall-Page: New Sculptures and Drawings
Author: Peter Randall-Page, Ann Elliott / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Life of Rielly-thumbLife of Rielly
Author: James Rielly / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Ceri Richards-thumbCeri Richards
Author: Ceri Richards / Year: 1960 /
In stock

Nika Radic
Year: 2009 /
In stock

Nika Radic-thumbNika Radic
Year: 2009 /
In stock

Author: Mark Raidpere / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Here and Hereabouts-thumbHere and Hereabouts
Author: Richard Powell / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Author: SUE GRAYSON / Year: 1974 /
In stock

In stock

Author: SCULPTURE OF GOODWOOD / Year: 2002 /
In stock

The Children`s Crusade-thumbThe Children`s Crusade
Author: Paula Rego / Year: 1999 /
In stock

In stock

William Roberts-thumbWilliam Roberts
Year: 2008 /
In stock

Author: LEEDS CITY ART GALLERY / Year: 1995 /
In stock

FINE ART 1990-thumbFINE ART 1990
In stock

Waterlines -thumbWaterlines
Author: Sandra Jackaman / Year: 2002 /
In stock

New Light on Sculpture
Author: Nicholas Serota / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Frame By Frame-thumbFrame By Frame
Author: Branko Franceschi / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Rules Of Engagement -thumbRules Of Engagement
Author: Tony Deyes / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Soundings: A Tractate of Absence-thumbSoundings: A Tractate of Absence
Author: B. Catling / Year: 1991 / Issue No.: Performance, Site Specific, Moving Image /
In stock

Ann Catrin Evans; Ironwork - Gwaith Haearn -thumbAnn Catrin Evans; Ironwork - Gwaith Haearn
Author: Philip Hughes / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Garth Evans-thumbGarth Evans
Author: Garth Evans / Year: 1976 /
In stock

David Garner: Political Games-thumbDavid Garner: Political Games
Author: Jenni Spencer-Davies / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Somewhere Else: Wales at Venice Biennale 51-thumbSomewhere Else: Wales at Venice Biennale 51
Author: Michael Nixon / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Brought to Light / Dwyn i`r Goleuni-thumbBrought to Light / Dwyn i`r Goleuni
Author: Michael Tooby / Year: 2006 /
In stock

National Eisteddfod of Wales 2005
Author: Sian Owen / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Zen Gardener-thumbZen Gardener
Author: Peter Finnemore / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Ian Hamilton Finlay: Instruments of Revolution and Other Works-thumbIan Hamilton Finlay: Instruments of Revolution and Other Works
Author: Stephen Bann / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Katharine Dowson: Myriad-thumbKatharine Dowson: Myriad
Author: Michael Simpson / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Journeys On Paper-thumbJourneys On Paper
Author: Chris Drury / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Vincent Dufaud-thumbVincent Dufaud
Author: Joan Guitart Agell /
In stock

Pep Duran-thumbPep Duran
Author: Maria Jesus Aranburu Orbegozo / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Igors Dobicins-thumbIgors Dobicins
Year: 2000 /
In stock

Rino Efendic: Da, film-thumbRino Efendic: Da, film
Author: Ivica Zupan / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Pete Ellis: Hidden Agendas-thumbPete Ellis: Hidden Agendas
Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Peter Ellis-thumbPeter Ellis
Author: David Briers / Year: 1977 /
In stock

John Elwyn-thumbJohn Elwyn
Author: Robert Meyrick / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Shirley Diamond: Ingress-thumbShirley Diamond: Ingress
Author: Claire Lilley / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Norman Dilworth-thumbNorman Dilworth
Year: 2006 /
In stock

Philippe Durand: Parc-thumbPhilippe Durand: Parc
Year: 1996 /
In stock

Mark Dunhill: Closeness and Distance-thumbMark Dunhill: Closeness and Distance
Author: Arno Kramer / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Fire Water Stone & Silence: Avtarjeet Dhanjal-thumbFire Water Stone & Silence: Avtarjeet Dhanjal
Author: Avtarjeet Dhanjal /
In stock

Jim Dine: Prints-thumbJim Dine: Prints
Year: 1974 /
In stock

Kate Smith: Who Could Have Guessed There`d Be So Much Diversity-thumbKate Smith: Who Could Have Guessed There`d Be So Much Diversity
Author: Jean Fisher / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 98/99-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 98/99
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 00/01-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 00/01
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 99/00-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 99/00
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 94-98-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 94-98
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 1-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 1
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 97/98-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 97/98
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 96/97-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 96/97
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood 02/03-thumbSculpture at Goodwood 02/03
Author: Sculpture at Goodwood / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Tomoya Yamaguchi: Inside Out-thumbTomoya Yamaguchi: Inside Out
Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2005 /
In stock

100 Verses for 3 Estates-thumb100 Verses for 3 Estates
Author: Paul Conneally, Alec Finlay, Gavin Wade / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Existance, Dream, Liberty-thumbExistance, Dream, Liberty
Year: 2003 /
In stock

MA Fine Art U.W.I.C. 2004-thumbMA Fine Art U.W.I.C. 2004
Author: Paul Beauchamp / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Ysgol Gelf School of Art Aberystwyth 2006-thumbYsgol Gelf School of Art Aberystwyth 2006
Author: Robert Meyrick / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Jerwood Contemporary Painters 2007-thumbJerwood Contemporary Painters 2007
Author: Roanne Dods / Year: 2007 /
In stock

You Have Not Been Honest: Contemporary Film and Video from U.K.-thumbYou Have Not Been Honest: Contemporary Film and Video from U.K.
Author: Colin Ledwith & Polly Staple / Year: 2007 /
In stock

LOCWS International Swansea-thumbLOCWS International Swansea
Author: Tim Davies & David Hastie / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Transfigured: The Door Of Consciousness-thumbTransfigured: The Door Of Consciousness
Year: 1998-2001 /
In stock

Archive: Lisburn Road: The Material Culture of a Belfast Suburb-thumbArchive: Lisburn Road: The Material Culture of a Belfast Suburb
Author: Ursula Burke & Daniel Jewesbury / Year: 2004 /
In stock

West Ffotobiennal Wales-thumbWest Ffotobiennal Wales
Author: Christopher Coppock / Year: 2000 /
In stock

The House Project-thumbThe House Project
Author: Michael Toppings / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Huntly: Empty Shop/Modern Monument-thumbHuntly: Empty Shop/Modern Monument
Author: Eva Merz / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Anima -thumbAnima
Author: Anthony Shapland / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Author: Anthony Shapland / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Spike Open-thumbSpike Open
Author: Kay Campbell / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Mostyn 13: The 13th Mostyn Open Exhibition -thumbMostyn 13: The 13th Mostyn Open Exhibition
Author: David Thorpe / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Collective 18: Fine Art Degree Show Swansea Institute-thumbCollective 18: Fine Art Degree Show Swansea Institute
Author: Tim Davies / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Author: Hamish Gane / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Dorrit Nebe: Zeichnungen-thumbDorrit Nebe: Zeichnungen
Year: 2008 /
In stock

Marko und Kaido-thumbMarko und Kaido
Author: John Smith / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Circa 111: Contemporary Visual Culture in Ireland-thumbCirca 111: Contemporary Visual Culture in Ireland
Author: Peter FitzGerald / Issue No.: 111 /
In stock

Florentino Diaz-thumbFlorentino Diaz
Author: Fernando Castro Florez / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Eugene Dodeigne-thumbEugene Dodeigne
Author: Peter Murray / Year: 1984 /
In stock

Towards the Eremitani: Keir Smith-thumbTowards the Eremitani: Keir Smith
Author: Keir Smith / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Passion grace and Fire: Varvara Shavrova -thumbPassion grace and Fire: Varvara Shavrova
Author: Varvara Shavrova / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Jan Dibbets-thumbJan Dibbets
Author: Francis Pugh & Robert Breen / Year: 1976 /
In stock

Michael Shaw: Opere 1999 - 2000 Works-thumbMichael Shaw: Opere 1999 - 2000 Works
Author: Michael Shaw / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Michael Shaw: Sculture e Disegni-thumbMichael Shaw: Sculture e Disegni
Author: Emidio De Albentils / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Harry Holland-thumbHarry Holland
Year: 1980 /
In stock

The Artist and Her Glamour Model
Author: Angharad Pearce Jones / Year: 2005 /
In stock

The Artist and Her Glamour Model-thumbThe Artist and Her Glamour Model
Author: Angharad Pearce Jones / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Shared Language Iaith Rhyngom
Author: Mary Lloyd Jones, Sue Hunt, Tessa Waite / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Shared Language Iaith Rhyngom-thumbShared Language Iaith Rhyngom
Author: Mary Lloyd Jones, Sue Hunt, Tessa Waite / Year: 1997 /
In stock

George Rickey - Yorkshire Sculpture Park, England-thumbGeorge Rickey - Yorkshire Sculpture Park, England
Author: George Rickey / Year: 1982 /
In stock

Rickey - Kinetic Sculpture on Clydeside-thumbRickey - Kinetic Sculpture on Clydeside
Author: George Rickey / Year: 1982 /
In stock

Shed*Light:Marc Rees/ Benedict Anderson: Madrid 2005-thumbShed*Light:Marc Rees/ Benedict Anderson: Madrid 2005
Author: Marc Rees & Benedict Anderson / Year: 2005 /
In stock

The Delfina Studios Trust: Summer Exhibition 1992-thumbThe Delfina Studios Trust: Summer Exhibition 1992
Author: Delfina Entrecanales / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Wish: The Wishing Ceremony: Sally Sheinman-thumbWish: The Wishing Ceremony: Sally Sheinman
Author: Sanna Moore and Laura Gascoigne / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Six Abstract Painters-thumbSix Abstract Painters
Year: 2001 /
In stock

Sculpture Tour 90-91-thumbSculpture Tour 90-91
Author: John J. Quinn, LeeAnn Mitchell & Dennis Peacock / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Sculpture Tour 88-89-thumbSculpture Tour 88-89
Author: Jack E. Reese, Dennis Peacock and LeeAnn Mitchell / Year: 1989 /
In stock

META: Delweddu`r Duchymyg - Imagining the Imagination-thumbMETA: Delweddu`r Duchymyg - Imagining the Imagination
Author: Christine Kinsey & Simon Thirsk / Year: 2000 /
In stock


In stock

Mary Potter: 1900-1981: A Selective Retrospective-thumbMary Potter: 1900-1981: A Selective Retrospective
Author: Michael Nixon / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Patrick Raynaud-thumbPatrick Raynaud
Author: Antonio Guznam / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Patrick Raynaud-thumbPatrick Raynaud
Author: Antonio Guznam / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Eight Open House Festival-thumbEight Open House Festival
Year: 2006 /
In stock

The Artist in the Changing City-thumbThe Artist in the Changing City
Author: Jennifer Williams /
In stock

Travel Narratives: Sue Ridge-thumbTravel Narratives: Sue Ridge
Author: David Wright & Richard Denyer / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Lulu Quinn: Tidal-thumbLulu Quinn: Tidal
Author: Philip Cundall / Year: 1998 /
In stock

The Misfits-thumbThe Misfits
Author: Tihomir Milovac / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Richard Powell: Quarry-thumbRichard Powell: Quarry
Author: Simon Rees / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Peter Riek: Das Ende Vom Lied-thumbPeter Riek: Das Ende Vom Lied
Author: Peter Riek / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Ulf Puder
Year: 1995 /
In stock

Willaim Pye: Water Scuplture-thumbWillaim Pye: Water Scuplture
Author: William Pye / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Wiliam Pye: Sculpture in Winchester
Author: John Spurling / Year: 1978 /
In stock

Radicalchip: Contemporary Art From Japan-thumbRadicalchip: Contemporary Art From Japan
Author: David Clarke / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Welsh Collection of Watercolours-thumbWelsh Collection of Watercolours
Author: Thomas Rathmell / Year: 1976 /
In stock

Structure 1966-thumbStructure 1966
Author: Gwyn Jones / Year: 1966 /
In stock

10 Crochenwyr Potters-thumb10 Crochenwyr Potters
Author: Dvid Firth & David Leach / Year: 1978 /
In stock

50 Taidegraafikot Finnish Graphic Artists-thumb50 Taidegraafikot Finnish Graphic Artists
Author: Matti Koskela / Year: 1981 /
In stock

Author: Ken Baynes & Peter Jones / Year: 1971 /
In stock

Author: Carole Hodgson / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Works on Paper (1903 - 1971)-thumbWorks on Paper (1903 - 1971)
Author: Ceri Richards / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Time Frames-thumbTime Frames
Author: Emily Richardson / Year: 2004 /
In stock

The Bridge-thumbThe Bridge
Author: G Cooper / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Sculpture in Hampshire-thumbSculpture in Hampshire
Author: Gordon Bradshaw, Garrick Palmer / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Suspended States: Susan Trangmar-thumbSuspended States: Susan Trangmar
Author: Susan Butler / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Athena Tacha: Public Work, 1970-1988-thumbAthena Tacha: Public Work, 1970-1988
Author: Catherine Hownett & John Howett / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Mammatus: Max Steicher-thumbMammatus: Max Steicher
Author: Jeanne Randolph / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Kathryn Thomas: Atmosphere - an exhibition of new paintings-thumbKathryn Thomas: Atmosphere - an exhibition of new paintings
Author: Kathryn Thomas/Red Dot Gallery / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Jaan Toomik-thumbJaan Toomik
Author: ed. Anu Allas / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Hills Snyder: Gloville-thumbHills Snyder: Gloville
Author: Casino Luxembourg / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Susana Solano-thumbSusana Solano
Author: Teresa Blanch / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Matthew Smith-thumbMatthew Smith
Author: Kathleen Armistead / Year: 1966 /
In stock

Ognissanti: Keir Smith-thumbOgnissanti: Keir Smith
Author: Ann Jones / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Beagles and Ramsay-thumbBeagles and Ramsay
Author: Ed. Hannah Firth, John Beagles and Graham Ramsay / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Keir Smith: The Dust of Learning-thumbKeir Smith: The Dust of Learning
Author: Sean F Kelley / Year: 1986 /
In stock

Kain Tapper-thumbKain Tapper
Year: 1981 /
In stock

Graham Sutherland 1903-2003-thumbGraham Sutherland 1903-2003
Year: 2004 /
In stock

Wertzeitraum: Tobias Stengel-thumbWertzeitraum: Tobias Stengel
Author: Gregory H. Wolf / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Carol Robertson-thumbCarol Robertson
Author: Mel Gooding / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Kain Tapper: Finland at Venice Biennalle-thumbKain Tapper: Finland at Venice Biennalle
Author: Kuutti Lavonen / Year: 1984 /
In stock

Carol Robertson-thumbCarol Robertson
Author: Sacha Craddock / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Syrcas: Maud Sulter-thumbSyrcas: Maud Sulter
Author: Martin Barlow / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Ceri Richards Graphics-thumbCeri Richards Graphics
Author: Mel Gooding / Year: 1979 /
In stock

Matthew Radford-thumbMatthew Radford
Author: Neal Brown / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Kain Tapper-thumbKain Tapper
Author: Staffan Garlen / Year: 1985 /
In stock

Granite Song-thumbGranite Song
Author: Marina Warner / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Whistling in the Dark - Peter Randall-Page-thumbWhistling in the Dark - Peter Randall-Page
Author: Zoran Krzisnik / Year: 1998 /
In stock

In Mind of Botany - Peter Randall-Page-thumbIn Mind of Botany - Peter Randall-Page
Author: Sir GT Prance / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Boulders and Banners - Peter Randall-Page-thumbBoulders and Banners - Peter Randall-Page
Author: Charles Hall / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Keir Smith: From The Dark Cave-thumbKeir Smith: From The Dark Cave
Author: Gordon Edington / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Pinturas y Esculturas - Vicente y Fernando Roscubas-thumbPinturas y Esculturas - Vicente y Fernando Roscubas
Author: Xavier Saenz de Gorbea / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Rebecca Horn-thumbRebecca Horn
Author: Thea van den Bergh / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Rebecca Horn-thumbRebecca Horn
Author: Sean F Kelly / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Edgar Holloway at 80-thumbEdgar Holloway at 80
Author: Rupert Otten / Year: 1994 /
In stock

The Institution Andre Stitt-thumbThe Institution Andre Stitt
Author: Andre Stitt, Phil Babot / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Gavin Scobie-thumbGavin Scobie
Author: Duncan Macmillan / Year: 1984 /
In stock

A Quality of Light-thumbA Quality of Light
Author: St Ives International / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Branching Out-thumbBranching Out
Author: Enrique Juncosa / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Documenta Kassel 2007-thumbDocumenta Kassel 2007
Author: Roger M. Buergel, Ruth Noack / Year: 2007 /
In stock

ARCO8 Brazil-thumbARCO8 Brazil
Author: Lourdes Fernandez / Year: 2008 /
In stock

ARCO8 Brazil-thumbARCO8 Brazil
Author: Lourdes Fernandez / Year: 2008 /
In stock

In Context-thumbIn Context
Author: Emily-Jane Kirwan / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Art Spectrum Wales-thumbArt Spectrum Wales
Author: Robin Campbell / Year: 1971 /
In stock

Y Broflen Derfynol / The Final Proof-thumbY Broflen Derfynol / The Final Proof
Author: Hazel Kirkham / Year: 1981 /
In stock

Attitudes/Thirteen Individuals from Finland-thumbAttitudes/Thirteen Individuals from Finland
Author: Timo Valjakka / Year: 1986 /
In stock

Twentieth Century Paintings and Drawings-thumbTwentieth Century Paintings and Drawings
Author: John Martin of London / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Steel Sculpture-thumbSteel Sculpture
Author: Siegfried Salzmann / Year: 1987-88 /
In stock

Catalogus G 58-85 Hessenhuis-thumbCatalogus G 58-85 Hessenhuis
Author: H.B. Cools / Year: 1985 -86 /
In stock

Routes from Roots-thumbRoutes from Roots
Author: Jonah Jones / Year: 1987 /
In stock

The Dark Hills the Heavy Clouds / Y Bryniau Tywyll Y Cymulau Trymion-thumbThe Dark Hills the Heavy Clouds / Y Bryniau Tywyll Y Cymulau Trymion
Author: Andrew Knight / Year: 1981 /
In stock

Revolution: Sculpture Bretagne-thumbRevolution: Sculpture Bretagne
Author: Angela Holmes / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Hortus Cambrensis: Decay and Revival in the Gardens of Wales-thumbHortus Cambrensis: Decay and Revival in the Gardens of Wales
Author: William Wilkins / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Arco 02-thumbArco 02
Author: Paul Greenaway / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Barbarella: Dolls and Doll Imagery-thumbBarbarella: Dolls and Doll Imagery
Author: Jane Thomas / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Jonah Jones, John Petts, Kyffin Williams-thumbJonah Jones, John Petts, Kyffin Williams
Author: Jonah Jones / Year: 1961 /
In stock

An Artist in the Quarries-thumbAn Artist in the Quarries
Author: Andrew Knight / Year: 1981 /
In stock

Shared Earth: A Contemporary Exhibition of Anglo-Soviet Landscapes-thumbShared Earth: A Contemporary Exhibition of Anglo-Soviet Landscapes
Author: Sarah Winfrey / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Gavin Scobie-thumbGavin Scobie
Author: Duncan Macmillan / Year: 1977 /
In stock

Future Landscapes New Partnerships: Art and the Landscape-thumbFuture Landscapes New Partnerships: Art and the Landscape
Author: Lawrence Short / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Submerged Identities: Lulu Quinn-thumbSubmerged Identities: Lulu Quinn
Author: lulu Quinn / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Gary Woodley: Sculpture-thumbGary Woodley: Sculpture
Author: Oriel, Charles St, Cardiff / Year: 1979 /
In stock

Formal Incidents: Heather Phillipson-thumbFormal Incidents: Heather Phillipson
Author: Dr Frances Corner /
In stock

Contemporary Sculpture From Finland-thumbContemporary Sculpture From Finland
Author: Tamara Krikovian / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Southern Arts: Residencies Scheme 1995-96-thumbSouthern Arts: Residencies Scheme 1995-96
Author: David Reid / Year: 1995-96 /
In stock

Michael Sandle: Sculpture & Drawings 1957-88-thumbMichael Sandle: Sculpture & Drawings 1957-88
Author: Paul Bonaventura / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Mostyn 2004: The Mostyn Open Exhibition-thumbMostyn 2004: The Mostyn Open Exhibition
Author: Martin Barlow / Year: 2005 /
In stock

A Walker`s Guide: Sculpture in Dublin-thumbA Walker`s Guide: Sculpture in Dublin
Author: Josephine Kelliher / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Sculpture 1990: Wimbledon School of Art Centenary Year-thumbSculpture 1990: Wimbledon School of Art Centenary Year
Author: Glynn Williams / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Omand Possession: Tallinna Rakenduskunsti Triennaal 2000-thumbOmand Possession: Tallinna Rakenduskunsti Triennaal 2000
Author: Signe Kivi / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Danusha`s Collection: Realism & Impressionism from Ukraine-thumbDanusha`s Collection: Realism & Impressionism from Ukraine
Author: Sergui Komissarenko / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Prejudice & Pride-thumbPrejudice & Pride
Author: John Agard / Year: 2001 /
In stock

The British Art Show 4-thumbThe British Art Show 4
Author: Richard Cork / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Ulf Puder: Die Sclein Dure Eigen Dyncunik-thumbUlf Puder: Die Sclein Dure Eigen Dyncunik
Author: Eckart / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Ulf Puder: Die Sclein Dure Eigen Dyncunik-thumbUlf Puder: Die Sclein Dure Eigen Dyncunik
Author: Eckart / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Weather View-thumbWeather View
Author: Sacha Craddock / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Festival Landmarks `90-thumbFestival Landmarks `90
Author: Isabel Vasseur / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Royal Academy 1990 Postgraduate Diploma Show-thumbRoyal Academy 1990 Postgraduate Diploma Show
Author: Michael Shepherd / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Klutz Paradiso: Stephen Brandes: Vinyls, Paintings, Drawings-thumbKlutz Paradiso: Stephen Brandes: Vinyls, Paintings, Drawings
Author: Patrick T. Murphy / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Author: Peter Ellis / Year: 1984 /
In stock

We Are The World: BiennaleDi Venezia-thumbWe Are The World: BiennaleDi Venezia
Author: Rein Wolfs / Year: 2003 /
In stock

The Morris Singer Foundry-thumbThe Morris Singer Foundry
Author: Helen Landers / Year: 1993 /
In stock

First International Festival of Iron-thumbFirst International Festival of Iron
Author: Hamish Black / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Kumasi Junction-thumbKumasi Junction
Author: Oriel Mostyn Gallery / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Kumasi Junction-thumbKumasi Junction
Author: Oriel Mostyn Gallery / Year: 2002 /
In stock

On Leaving and Arriving-thumbOn Leaving and Arriving
Author: Anthony Shapland / Year: 2005 /
In stock

One in the Other-thumbOne in the Other
Author: Anthony Shapland / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Pale Carnage-thumbPale Carnage
Author: Tom Trevor / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Author: Gaia Persico / Year: 2007 /
In stock

I`m Not A Tourist, I Live Here-thumbI`m Not A Tourist, I Live Here
Author: Adam Bridgland, Lucy Gough / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Infinite Longing-thumbInfinite Longing
Author: Siân Melangell Dafydd / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Author: Lesley Sanderson, Julie Westerman / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2009-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2009
Author: Ian Lloyd Hughes / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Making Love to my Ego-thumbMaking Love to my Ego
Author: Kwong Lee / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Jonathan Callan-thumbJonathan Callan
Author: Paul Bonaentura / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Are We Not Drawn Onward To New Era? G39-thumbAre We Not Drawn Onward To New Era? G39
Author: Anthony Shapland / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Everything But... Contemporary British Kitchenware-thumbEverything But... Contemporary British Kitchenware
Author: Brett Rogers / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Anima -thumbAnima
Author: Anthony Shapland / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Crwydro, Marcheurs des Bois: a Wales / Quebec Ambulation-thumbCrwydro, Marcheurs des Bois: a Wales / Quebec Ambulation
Author: Simon Whitehead / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Do You Love Me? Sonja Vuk-thumbDo You Love Me? Sonja Vuk
Author: Marko Golub, Iva Brezovecki-Bidin / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Eight Artists from Spike Island: Howard Gardens Gallery-thumbEight Artists from Spike Island: Howard Gardens Gallery
Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Author: Adrian Kear / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Author: Michael Tooby / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Black Box Recorder-thumbBlack Box Recorder
Author: Andrea Rose / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Author: Ian Walker / Year: 1994 /
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Author: Ian Walker / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Sunny Spells: Emrys Williams-thumbSunny Spells: Emrys Williams
Author: Pippa Coles and Susan Daniel / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Parchedig Ofn Ger Bron Y Gwystlydd-thumbParchedig Ofn Ger Bron Y Gwystlydd
Author: Bill Woodrow / Year: 1995 /
In stock

From the Interior: Lois Williams, Selected Sculpture 1981 - 1995-thumbFrom the Interior: Lois Williams, Selected Sculpture 1981 - 1995
Author: Susan Daniel / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Author: Mark Dunhill / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Contemporary Sculpture from Finland-thumbContemporary Sculpture from Finland
Author: Tamara Krikorian / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Lost Archetypes: Anne at Patrick Poirier-thumbLost Archetypes: Anne at Patrick Poirier
Author: Sean F Kelly / Year: 1986 /
In stock

Heroin Kills - Joanne Tatham & Tom O`Sullivan-thumbHeroin Kills - Joanne Tatham & Tom O`Sullivan
Author: Alexia Holt / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Sculpture 1961-thumbSculpture 1961
Author: Bryan Robertson / Year: 1961 /
In stock

Fernando & Vicente Roscubas: Beber Conac. Temas Impenitentes-thumbFernando & Vicente Roscubas: Beber Conac. Temas Impenitentes
Author: Xabier Saenz de Gorbea / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Model of the World / Quadrophony-thumbModel of the World / Quadrophony
Author: Stano Filko / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Granite Sculpture: Michael Archer-thumbGranite Sculpture: Michael Archer
Author: Michael Archer / Year: 1991 /
In stock

The Secrets of Bideford-thumbThe Secrets of Bideford
Author: Lesley Kerman / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Suiza en Arco `03-thumbSuiza en Arco `03
Author: Rudolf Velhagen / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Viewer / Voyeur-thumbViewer / Voyeur
Author: Manuel Chetcuti / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Author: George Bolster / Year: 2004 /
In stock

MeVu: Young Curators 2008-thumbMeVu: Young Curators 2008
Author: Amanda Farr / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Tropes: Max Davison-thumbTropes: Max Davison
Author: Heather MacLennan / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Commissions East-thumbCommissions East
Author: Elizabeth-Jane Grose / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Fall Out-thumbFall Out
Author: Mads Damsbo & Merete Jankowski / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Outsider: Oriel Myrddin Gallery-thumbOutsider: Oriel Myrddin Gallery
Author: Sue Griffith / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Beacon: Art/Travel/Site-thumbBeacon: Art/Travel/Site
Author: John Plowman / Year: 2004 /
In stock

S1 Artspace Projects: Introduction-thumbS1 Artspace Projects: Introduction
Author: Mel Jordan & Thomas Godfrey / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Folk Art and Fairy Tales-thumbFolk Art and Fairy Tales
Author: Amanda Farr / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Hinderland Book 1-thumbHinderland Book 1
Author: Jennie Syson / Year: 2009 / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

Hinderland Book 2-thumbHinderland Book 2
Author: Jennie Syson / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Comfort Zones-thumbComfort Zones
Author: Oriel Davies Gallery / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Art in Wales - A survey of four thousand years to AD 1850-thumbArt in Wales - A survey of four thousand years to AD 1850
Author: Welsh Committee of the Arts Council in co-operation with Swansea Borough Council / Year: 1964 /
In stock

2 Artists - David Tinker and Robert Hunter-thumb2 Artists - David Tinker and Robert Hunter
Author: Welsh Committee of the Arts Council / Year: 1965 /
In stock

Northern Art Prize 2008-thumbNorthern Art Prize 2008
Author: LEEDS CITY ART GALLERY / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Henrietta Moraes drawings by Maggi Hambling-thumbHenrietta Moraes drawings by Maggi Hambling
Author: Marlborough Graphics / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Henry Moore the Major Graphics Portfoliios 1950 - 1983-thumbHenry Moore the Major Graphics Portfoliios 1950 - 1983
Author: Marlborough Graphics / Year: 2002 /
In stock

An exhibition of recent paintings by John Wright and Tom Rathmell-thumbAn exhibition of recent paintings by John Wright and Tom Rathmell
Author: Welsh Committee of the Arts Council / Year: 1966 /
In stock

Modern home: An intervention by Edmund de Waal at High Cross House-thumbModern home: An intervention by Edmund de Waal at High Cross House
Author: HIgh Cross House / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Glynn Williams - Recent Carvings-thumbGlynn Williams - Recent Carvings
Author: Blond Fine Art / Year: 1982 /
In stock

Points of presence - Avril Wilson-thumbPoints of presence - Avril Wilson
Author: Angel Row Gallery / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Cymru `Nawr: Wales Now-thumbCymru `Nawr: Wales Now
Author: Welsh Arts Council / Year: 1968 /
In stock

Northern Art Prize 2007-thumbNorthern Art Prize 2007
Author: LEEDS CITY ART GALLERY / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Celtic Triangle: An exhibiton of work by young artists from Ireland, Scotland and Wales-thumbCeltic Triangle: An exhibiton of work by young artists from Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Author: Arts council of Northern Ireland, Scottish Arts Council and Welsh Arts Council / Year: 1970 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2007-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2007
Author: Welsh Arts Council / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Industrial Shrines-thumbIndustrial Shrines
Author: Roger Moss & Geoff Wood / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Richard Cox Works On Paper-thumbRichard Cox Works On Paper
Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Christo Objects, Collages and Drawings 1958-1984-thumbChristo Objects, Collages and Drawings 1958-1984
Author: Juda Rowan Gallery / Year: 1984 /
In stock

Richard Cox Unfinished Business 75 30 05-thumbRichard Cox Unfinished Business 75 30 05
Author: David Briers & Isabel Hitchman & Anne Price-Owen & Richard Cox / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Anthony Caro-thumbAnthony Caro
Year: 1983 /
In stock

Liadin Cooke Overlay: Sculpture and Drawings-thumbLiadin Cooke Overlay: Sculpture and Drawings
Author: Clare Lilley / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Carlo Ciarli-thumbCarlo Ciarli
Author: Pier Carlo Santini / Year: 1984 /
In stock

Art/Lycees 1951-1993-thumbArt/Lycees 1951-1993
Year: 1994 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood: A celebration of the first 10 years-thumbSculpture at Goodwood: A celebration of the first 10 years
Author: Sue Hubbard / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Two Painters: Brenda Chamberlain and Ernest Zobole-thumbTwo Painters: Brenda Chamberlain and Ernest Zobole
Author: Tom Cross / Year: 1963 /
In stock

Head On; Art with the Brian in Mind-thumbHead On; Art with the Brian in Mind
Author: Caterina Albano, Ken Arnold and Marina Wallace / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Plymouth Waterfront Walk-thumbPlymouth Waterfront Walk
Author: Plymouth City Council /
In stock

Documenta 11_Platform 5: Exhibition Catalogue-thumbDocumenta 11_Platform 5: Exhibition Catalogue
Author: ed. Gerti Fietzek / Year: 2002 /
In stock

The St Ives School 1997-2007-thumbThe St Ives School 1997-2007
Author: Christopher Short, Mike Tooby, Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Heavenly Bodies-thumbHeavenly Bodies
Author: Ed. Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre /
In stock

Author: Shelagh Hourahane, / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Paul Becker - Paintings-thumbPaul Becker - Paintings
Author: Bill Becker / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Holly Davey: A third is You-thumbHolly Davey: A third is You
Author: Holly Davey, Simon Holly / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Flags For The Assembly (Baneri i`r Cynlliad) Iwan Bala-thumbFlags For The Assembly (Baneri i`r Cynlliad) Iwan Bala
Author: Iwan Bala / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Louise Bourgeois: Selected Prints 1989-2005-thumbLouise Bourgeois: Selected Prints 1989-2005
Author: Frankie Rossi / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Towards An Absolute: Tom Dale-thumbTowards An Absolute: Tom Dale
Author: Tom Dale / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Claire Curneen: New Work-thumbClaire Curneen: New Work
Author: Philip Hughes / Year: 1997 /
In stock

A Tale Of Two Feasts: Christy Johnson and 33 Confessors-thumbA Tale Of Two Feasts: Christy Johnson and 33 Confessors
Author: Catherine Clinger / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Fred Wilson: Speak of Me As I AM-thumbFred Wilson: Speak of Me As I AM
Author: Kathleen Goncharov / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2008-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2008
Author: Arts Council Wales / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Author: Paranoia Publishing / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Locws International 2009 - Art Across the City of Swansea-thumbLocws International 2009 - Art Across the City of Swansea
Author: Locws International / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Connect - Public Art in Transit Project-thumbConnect - Public Art in Transit Project
Author: Artworking, Bryson House / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Wahre und unwahre Geschichten von Alf Lohr-thumbWahre und unwahre Geschichten von Alf Lohr
Author: Alf Lohr and Monchehaus Museum / Year: 1992 /
In stock

William Johnstone - Recent Work-thumbWilliam Johnstone - Recent Work
Author: Talbot Rice Art Centre / Year: 1976 /
In stock

Death`s Witness-thumbDeath`s Witness
Author: Karen Ingham / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Altared Vision-thumbAltared Vision
Author: Ffotogallery / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Susan Hiller-thumbSusan Hiller
Author: Tate Gallery Liverpool / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Cross Currents-thumbCross Currents
Author: John Davies / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt - Mac Adams-thumbBeyond a Shadow of a Doubt - Mac Adams
Author: Mac Adams / Year: 2004 /
In stock

drwy ddwr a than: afon taf-thumbdrwy ddwr a than: afon taf
Author: John Davies / Year: 1997 /
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Author: Susan Butler / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Orientation: The Gate Foundation-thumbOrientation: The Gate Foundation
Author: Dr. Wardiman Djojonegoro / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Yvonne Buchheim: Song For Newtown-thumbYvonne Buchheim: Song For Newtown
Author: Helen Kozich & Clare Martin / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Scott Burton-thumbScott Burton
Author: Alan Bowness / Year: 1985 /
In stock

Olaf Breuning: They Live-thumbOlaf Breuning: They Live
Author: Hannah Firth / Year: 2005 /
In stock

New Works for Four Cities -thumbNew Works for Four Cities
Author: ed, James Lingwood / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Tabatha Andrews: AIR Gloucester Cathedral-thumbTabatha Andrews: AIR Gloucester Cathedral
Author: Imogen Cornwall-Jones, Denys Turner, Peter Suchin, Nicolas Bury, Tabatha Andrews / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Author: Stefan Bohnenberger / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Anthony Caro-thumbAnthony Caro
Author: David Sylvester / Year: 1986 /
In stock

The Infernal Triangle -thumbThe Infernal Triangle
Author: Anthony Howell / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Author: David Mackintosh / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Petr Daniel: 8998 Fotografie-thumbPetr Daniel: 8998 Fotografie
Author: Antonin Dufek / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Borders: Artist Project-thumbBorders: Artist Project
Author: Martyn Gaughan / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Stilled, Contemporary Still Life Photography By Women-thumbStilled, Contemporary Still Life Photography By Women
Author: ed. Kate Newton, Christine Rolph / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Masquerade, Women`s Contemporary Portrait Photography-thumbMasquerade, Women`s Contemporary Portrait Photography
Author: ed. Kate Newton, Christine Rolph / Year: 2003 /
In stock

So Now Then-thumbSo Now Then
Author: ed. Christopher Coppock, Paul Seawright / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Too French-thumbToo French
Author: Estelle Lemaitre / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Andy Goldsworthy - Sheepfolds-thumbAndy Goldsworthy - Sheepfolds
Author: ed. Sue Moore / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Jean-marc Bustamante: Beautifuldays-thumbJean-marc Bustamante: Beautifuldays
Author: Jean-Marc Bustamante, Christine Montalbetti, Eckhard Schneider / Year: 2006 /
In stock

20ste Biennale Middelheim-Japan-thumb20ste Biennale Middelheim-Japan
Author: Openluchtmuseum voor Beeldhouwkunst, Middelheim, Middelheim, Antwerpen / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Further Up In The Air-thumbFurther Up In The Air
Author: Will Self, Tom Woolford, Vittorio Bergamaschi, Jordan Baseman, Julian Stallabrass, Anna Fox, Marcus / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Tate Modern - The Handbook-thumbTate Modern - The Handbook
Author: ed. Iwona Blazwick, Simon Wilson / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Henry Moore - At The Serpentine-thumbHenry Moore - At The Serpentine
Author: ed. Arts Council of Great Britain / Year: 1978 /
In stock

Cardiff School of Art and Design Fine Art 2010-thumbCardiff School of Art and Design Fine Art 2010
Author: Cardiff School of Art and Design / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Cardiff School of Art and Design Fine Art 2009-thumbCardiff School of Art and Design Fine Art 2009
Author: Cardiff School of Art and Design / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Cardiff School of Art and Design Fine Art 2007-thumbCardiff School of Art and Design Fine Art 2007
Author: Cardiff School of Art and Design / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Author: Catrin Webster / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Olaf Metzel: Zeichnungen und Modelle zu Projekten im Aussenraum-thumbOlaf Metzel: Zeichnungen und Modelle zu Projekten im Aussenraum
Author: Friedrich Meschede / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Cheltenham Painting 2000-thumbCheltenham Painting 2000
Year: 2000 /
In stock

Leaving Jericho - Doug Cocker and Arthur Watson-thumbLeaving Jericho - Doug Cocker and Arthur Watson
Author: ed. Arthur Watson / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Phillip King-thumbPhillip King
Author: Rudolf Oxenaar, Robert Kudielka, Lynne Cooke / Year: 1981 /
In stock

Phillip King - The Artist in Conversation-thumbPhillip King - The Artist in Conversation
Author: Victor De Circasia and John Edwards /
In stock

Philippa Lawrence-thumbPhilippa Lawrence
Author: Oriel Davies Gallery / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Ken Kiff - Encaustic Paintings 1996-1999-thumbKen Kiff - Encaustic Paintings 1996-1999
Author: Malborough Fine Art / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Contemporart Art Society for Wales 50th Anniversary Edition-thumbContemporart Art Society for Wales 50th Anniversary Edition
Author: National Museum of Wales / Year: 1987 /
In stock

The St Ives School 1997-2007-thumbThe St Ives School 1997-2007
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Author: National Arts Council, National Heritage Board / Year: 2003 /
In stock

The Secret Confession-thumbThe Secret Confession
Author: Edinburgh College of Art / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Author: ed. Ronnie Close, Peter Bobby, Magali Nougarede / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Two Painters: Works by Alfred Wallis and James Dixon-thumbTwo Painters: Works by Alfred Wallis and James Dixon
Author: ed. Sarah Glennie / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Kenneth Armitage-thumbKenneth Armitage
Author: Alan Bowness / Year: 1972 /
In stock

Olivier Debré-thumbOlivier Debré
Author: Gaston Diehl / Year: 1977 /
In stock

The University of East Anglia Collection-thumbThe University of East Anglia Collection
Author: Alastair Grieve, Veronica Sekules, Kenneth Martin, Sarah Sears, George Carter / Year: 1984 /
In stock

Author: ed. Peter Bobby, Ronnie Close. / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Tom Piper-thumbTom Piper
Author: Tom Piper, Richard Cox. / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Tom Piper-thumbTom Piper
Author: Tom Piper, Richard Cox. / Year: 2006 /
In stock

all in the mind-thumball in the mind
Author: Urszula Szulakowska / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Art For Networks-thumbArt For Networks
Author: ed. Hannah Firth, Simon Pope. / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Andrew Carnie: Survey of Works 1981 - 2004-thumbAndrew Carnie: Survey of Works 1981 - 2004
Author: Andrew Carnie / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Making Worlds: Participating countries, collateral events-thumbMaking Worlds: Participating countries, collateral events
Author: ed. Daniel Birnbaum. / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Foundation and Empire: Heather and Ivan Morison-thumbFoundation and Empire: Heather and Ivan Morison
Author: Nigel Prince / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Mondriaan Foundaion International, 1996, 1997, 1998
Author: Dick van Teylingen and the Modriaan Foundation / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Mondriaan Foundaion International, 1996, 1997, 1998-thumbMondriaan Foundaion International, 1996, 1997, 1998
Author: Dick van Teylingen / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Ray Howard Jones - A Retrospective Exhibition-thumbRay Howard Jones - A Retrospective Exhibition
Author: Welsh Arts Council / Year: 1974 /
In stock

Spike Island Journal 2, Currency and Exchange-thumbSpike Island Journal 2, Currency and Exchange
Author: Laura Mansfield / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Paul Mason; The Cutting Edge; Sculpture 1977 - 1987-thumbPaul Mason; The Cutting Edge; Sculpture 1977 - 1987
Author: Rebecca J Morris, David Manley, Peter J H Wheeler / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Re:Imaging Wales-thumbRe:Imaging Wales
Author: Ed.Hugh Adams / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Imaging Wales-thumbImaging Wales
Author: Ed.Hugh Adams / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Lux Europae-thumbLux Europae
Author: Ed. Tom Eccles / Year: 1993 /
In stock

Helsinki Photography Festival 2005: to be continued...-thumbHelsinki Photography Festival 2005: to be continued...
Author: Ed. Mika Elo, Brett Rogers, Emily Butler / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Tempered Ground-thumbTempered Ground
Author: Ed. Jordan Kaplan / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Show one of Each-thumbShow one of Each
Author: Catalogue design by Sweet / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Middelheim: Catalogue de la Collection-thumbMiddelheim: Catalogue de la Collection
Author: M R Bentein Stoelen / Year: 1971 /
In stock

all in the mind-thumball in the mind
Author: Urszula Szulakowska / Year: 1998 /
In stock

MY PLACE: Film Open-thumbMY PLACE: Film Open
Year: 2009 /
In stock

Spaces by Artists: Volume 3 of Parallelogramme retrospective-thumbSpaces by Artists: Volume 3 of Parallelogramme retrospective
Author: Tanya Rosenberg / Year: 1979 /
In stock

Something Is Bound To Happen - Heather Phillipson-thumbSomething Is Bound To Happen - Heather Phillipson
Author: Nicky Coutts / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Making Worlds Exhibition-thumbMaking Worlds Exhibition
Author: ed. Daniel Birnbaum, Jochen Volz / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Hugh Stoneman: Master Printer-thumbHugh Stoneman: Master Printer
Author: ed. Sara Hughes, Martin Clark, Arwen Fitch / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Author: The British Council / Year: 2000 /
In stock

In No Particular Order-thumbIn No Particular Order
Author: ed. Violet McClean / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Blind Date-thumbBlind Date
Author: Ana Dević / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Mosaic Egg: David Nash-thumbMosaic Egg: David Nash
Author: David Nash / Year: 1989 /
In stock

I Love My Family-thumbI Love My Family
Author: Marko Mäetamm, Mika Hannula / Year: 2007 /
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Author: David Nash / Year: 1987 /
In stock

David Nash: Voyages And Vessels-thumbDavid Nash: Voyages And Vessels
Author: ed. Joslyn Art Museum / Year: 1994 /
In stock

David Nash: Recent Sculpture-thumbDavid Nash: Recent Sculpture
Author: David Nash / Year: 1996 /
In stock

David Nash: Wood Quarry-thumbDavid Nash: Wood Quarry
Author: David Nash / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Phyto-form: An Exhibition by Julia Barton-thumbPhyto-form: An Exhibition by Julia Barton
Author: Julia Barton / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Tim Davies: Cadet-thumbTim Davies: Cadet
Author: ed. Eve Ropek / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Merlin James: Artists from Wales at the 52nd Venice Biennale-thumbMerlin James: Artists from Wales at the 52nd Venice Biennale
Author: Hannah Firth, Michael Nixon / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Slow Motion -thumbSlow Motion
Author: Therese Oulton / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Witch Hunt Delaine Le Bas-thumbWitch Hunt Delaine Le Bas
Author: Hannah Firth, Delaine Le bas / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Cynlluniau a Rhagolygon: Pensaernïaeth yng Nghymru, 1780-1914-thumbCynlluniau a Rhagolygon: Pensaernïaeth yng Nghymru, 1780-1914
Author: John Hilling / Year: 1975 /
In stock

Georg Herold-thumbGeorg Herold
Author: Georg Herold; Christoph Schenker; Kunsthalle Zürich. / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Colin Crumplin: Paintings 1990-97-thumbColin Crumplin: Paintings 1990-97
Author: Sue Hubbard / Year: 1997 /
In stock

British Council Collection-thumbBritish Council Collection
Author: Michael Craig-Martin, Andrea Rose, Dorothy Feaver / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Alchemy: Contemporary Jewellery from Britain-thumbAlchemy: Contemporary Jewellery from Britain
Author: Dana Andrew, Alison Moloney. / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Analogue: Pioneering Video from the UK, Canada, and Poland (1968-88)-thumbAnalogue: Pioneering Video from the UK, Canada, and Poland (1968-88)
Author: eds. Chris Meigh-Andrews, Catherine Elwes / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Strategic Questions #17: What is Intellect?-thumbStrategic Questions #17: What is Intellect?
Author: Etel Adnan, Mike Metz / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Dream 2001: Contempory Chinese Art Exhibition-thumbDream 2001: Contempory Chinese Art Exhibition
Author: Edward Lucie-Smith / Year: 2001 /
In stock

`Auke de Vries: studies for commissioned sculptures-thumb`Auke de Vries: studies for commissioned sculptures
Author: Auke de Vries, Eric Robert Hugo Bos, Madelon de Swart / Year: 1997 /
In stock

To tell a story-thumbTo tell a story
Author: Leonida Kovac / Year: 2001 /
In stock

R.U.D.E.R.: Paulsen, Kuhl, Nebe, Horký, Beyelschmidt-thumbR.U.D.E.R.: Paulsen, Kuhl, Nebe, Horký, Beyelschmidt
Author: Michael Euler-Schmidt, Renate Paulsen / Year: 1997 /
In stock

A Casa At Home Doma - Independent Art Project-thumbA Casa At Home Doma - Independent Art Project
Author: ed. Dean Jokanovic-Toumin / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Nottingham Trent Fine Art 2008-thumbNottingham Trent Fine Art 2008
Author: Sean Cummins / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Tadashi Kawamata: Projects 1982 - 1990-thumbTadashi Kawamata: Projects 1982 - 1990
Author: Tadashi Kawamata / Year: 1990 /
In stock

The Greatest Show on Earth-thumbThe Greatest Show on Earth
Author: Andrew Knight / Year: 1979 /
In stock

Christopher Le Brun: Prints 1999 - 2001-thumbChristopher Le Brun: Prints 1999 - 2001
Author: Christopher Le Brun / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Heaven on Earth: Welsh works by David Humphreys-thumbHeaven on Earth: Welsh works by David Humphreys
Author: David Humphreys / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Peter Liversidge: Proposals for Cardiff-thumbPeter Liversidge: Proposals for Cardiff
Author: Peter Liversidge / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Artes Mundi 5-thumbArtes Mundi 5
Author: ed. Tessa hartog / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Artes Mundi 3-thumbArtes Mundi 3
Author: ed Tessa Jackson / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Think with the senses feel with the mind -thumbThink with the senses feel with the mind
Author: Robert Starr / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Artes Mundi 4-thumbArtes Mundi 4
Author: ed Tessa Hartog / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Currents -thumbCurrents
Year: 2004 /
In stock

Remains Of Innocence -thumbRemains Of Innocence
Author: Hannah Firth, Kristina Inčiūraité / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Lost Horizons-thumbLost Horizons
Author: Melanie Jackson & Phil Baines / Year: May 2000 /
In stock

George Henry Longly: It Must be a Garbled Version of ANother Explanation-thumbGeorge Henry Longly: It Must be a Garbled Version of ANother Explanation
Author: Jan Verwoert / Year: October-November 2008 /
In stock

Katja Kolle-thumbKatja Kolle
Author: Dorothee Bieske / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Author: Claire Melhuish / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Author: ed. Caroline Douglas / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Here Tomorrow -thumbHere Tomorrow
Author: Roxana Marcoci / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Vito Acconci - Para-cities/Trouble Shooting-thumbVito Acconci - Para-cities/Trouble Shooting
Author: ed. Catsou Roberts / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Chelsea Design 99-thumbChelsea Design 99
Author: ed. Dennis Mariner / Year: 1999 /
In stock

UWN Photo Art 09-thumbUWN Photo Art 09
Author: ed. Benedict Burbridge / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Sculpture in a Country Park-thumbSculpture in a Country Park
Author: ed. Shelagh Hourahane / Year: 1983 /
In stock

The 3rd British International-thumbThe 3rd British International
Author: Peter Ford / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Small Talk, High Heels: Sue Williams-thumbSmall Talk, High Heels: Sue Williams
Author: Sue Griffith, Sadie Plant, Ivo Mesquita / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Kyffin Williams: Portreadau/Portraits 1944-1993-thumbKyffin Williams: Portreadau/Portraits 1944-1993
Author: Llion Williams, Kyffin Williams, Leslie Jones / Year: 1993 /
In stock

Kyffin Williams R.A.-thumbKyffin Williams R.A.
Author: Rian Evans / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Supra Limum: Vincent Woropay-thumbSupra Limum: Vincent Woropay
Author: Clive Adams, Imke Janiesch, Teresa Gil / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Kan Yasuda: Marble and Bronze-thumbKan Yasuda: Marble and Bronze
Author: Peter Murray, Clare Lilley, Isamu Noguchi, Makoto Ooka / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Henry Moore In Bretton Country Park-thumbHenry Moore In Bretton Country Park
Author: Compiled and Produced by Clair Lilley with Henry Moore Foundation / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Bedwyr WIlliams Chydig Bach Yn Too Much-thumbBedwyr WIlliams Chydig Bach Yn Too Much
Author: Bedwyr Williams / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Michael Dan Archer: Passing Through-thumbMichael Dan Archer: Passing Through
Author: ed. Matthew Shaul / Year: 2000 /
In stock

John Atkin: Albemarle Gallery, 5 - 28 June -thumbJohn Atkin: Albemarle Gallery, 5 - 28 June
Author: John Atkin / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Horse House-thumbHorse House
Author: Eva Bartussek / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Changing States: Michael Dan Archer-thumbChanging States: Michael Dan Archer
Author: Michael Dan Archer / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Wood Works-thumbWood Works
Author: Andrew Darke / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Ron Haseldon: fête and other works-thumbRon Haseldon: fête and other works
Author: Hilary Gresty / Year: 1990 /
In stock

A presentation to Public Art Wales from BB/Saunders-thumbA presentation to Public Art Wales from BB/Saunders
Author: BB/Saunders / Year: 2007 /
In stock

The Merchant of Bristol-thumbThe Merchant of Bristol
Author: Gareth Calway / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Proof: 2006 Fine Art Degree Swansea Institute -thumbProof: 2006 Fine Art Degree Swansea Institute
Author: Tim Davies / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Show One of Each-thumbShow One of Each
Author: Anthony Shapland / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Desperate Times-thumbDesperate Times
Author: Kate Parrott / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Space Between Us - Vane-thumbSpace Between Us - Vane
Author: Una Henry & Thomas Peutz / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Masquerade: A Welsh Arts Council Touring Exhibition 1977/78-thumbMasquerade: A Welsh Arts Council Touring Exhibition 1977/78
Author: Andrew Knight / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Author: Mostyn Art Gallery / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Reconstructing the Old House-thumbReconstructing the Old House
Author: Benet Spencer and David Ryan / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Vancouver art & economies -thumbVancouver art & economies
Author: Melanie O Brian / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Too French-thumbToo French
Author: Estelle Lemaitre ed. / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Somewhere: places of refuge in art and life-thumbSomewhere: places of refuge in art and life
Author: Angela Kingston (Curator) / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Author: Nigel Rolfe (intro) / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Blaenau Gwent a Blaenau`r Cymoedd-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Blaenau Gwent a Blaenau`r Cymoedd
Author: Y Lle Celf / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Wrecsam a`r Fro 2011-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Wrecsam a`r Fro 2011
Author: Y Lle Celf / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Meirion a`r Cyffiniau 2009-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Meirion a`r Cyffiniau 2009
Author: Y Lle Celf / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Cass Sculpture Foundation 2004-2007-thumbCass Sculpture Foundation 2004-2007
Author: Cass sculpture foundation / Year: 2007 /
In stock

One in the Other -thumbOne in the Other
Author: G39 / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Presentness is grace, Experiencing the suspended moment-thumbPresentness is grace, Experiencing the suspended moment
Author: arnolfini / Year: 2001 /
In stock

A Passion for Art-thumbA Passion for Art
Author: Friends of the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Other Spaces-thumbOther Spaces
Author: Jo Longhurst / Year: 2012 /
In stock

New Forest Pavilion: 52nd Venice Biennale-thumbNew Forest Pavilion: 52nd Venice Biennale
Author: Peter Bonnell, Laura Mclean-Ferris, Joseph Sanna. / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Infinite Longing-thumbInfinite Longing
Author: Siân Melangell Dafydd / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Author: Anne Hayes, Glenn Davidson / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Cardiff Fine Art Masters Exhibition 2007-thumbCardiff Fine Art Masters Exhibition 2007
Author: Dr Chris Short / Year: 2007 /
In stock

International Venice Agendas 2003: A Series of Three Breakfast Meetings-thumbInternational Venice Agendas 2003: A Series of Three Breakfast Meetings
Author: ed. William Furlong and Mel Gooding / Year: 2003 /
In stock

32 Degrees-thumb32 Degrees
Year: 2008 /
In stock

2010 NWSAD Degree Show-thumb2010 NWSAD Degree Show
Year: 2010 /
In stock

Year: 2006 /
In stock

Gal.les a la tardor: Wales in Catalonia-thumbGal.les a la tardor: Wales in Catalonia
Author: The British Council / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Author: British Council / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Yr eiliad yma...It is now-thumbYr eiliad yma...It is now
Author: ed. Geraint Fon Gerrard-Parry / Year: 2009 /
In stock

University of Glamorgan Art Show 2010-thumbUniversity of Glamorgan Art Show 2010
Author: ed. Susan Morris, Tiffany Oben, Julia Rowlands, Natalie Thomas / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Bronze: Contemporary British Sculpture Holland Park -thumbBronze: Contemporary British Sculpture Holland Park
Author: ed. Ann Elliott / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Reality Check: Recent Developments in British Photography and Video-thumbReality Check: Recent Developments in British Photography and Video
Author: Andrea Rose / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Touch This Limit: Quoting Ayrton Senna and 51 Other Visual Art Strategies-thumbTouch This Limit: Quoting Ayrton Senna and 51 Other Visual Art Strategies
Author: ed. John Gillett / Year: 2008 /
In stock

The Analysis of Beauty, Disinformation-thumbThe Analysis of Beauty, Disinformation
Author: ed Richard Humphreys / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Yvonne Buchheim: Song For Newtown-thumbYvonne Buchheim: Song For Newtown
Author: Yvonne Buchheim / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Plastik Im Freien: 1992/3-thumbPlastik Im Freien: 1992/3
Year: 1993 /
In stock

Plastik im freien 1989/90-thumbPlastik im freien 1989/90
Year: 1990 /
In stock

Plastik im Freien 1986/87-thumbPlastik im Freien 1986/87
Year: 1987 /
In stock

Plastik im Freien 1986/87-thumbPlastik im Freien 1986/87
Year: 1987 /
In stock

Somewhere Else: Wales at Venice Biennale 51-thumbSomewhere Else: Wales at Venice Biennale 51
Author: Michael Nixon / Year: 2005 /
In stock

From Wales: Selected Aspects of Contemporary Art-thumbFrom Wales: Selected Aspects of Contemporary Art
Author: Peter Jones / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Roam/Ar Grwydra-thumbRoam/Ar Grwydra
Author: Coed Hills / Year: 2001 /
In stock

FACM: all-thumbFACM: all
Author: University of Wales Newport / Year: 2006 /
In stock

My Sponsor is the Leader of the Country-thumbMy Sponsor is the Leader of the Country
Author: Elizabeth Rowe / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Vim & Vigour-thumbVim & Vigour
Author: MASS / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Author: Samantha Wilkinson / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Author: Joy Goodfellow / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Drawings from Welsh Collections-thumbDrawings from Welsh Collections
Author: Francis Pugh / Year: 1975 / Issue No.: 3rd /
In stock

Surface - Young Curators 2006-thumbSurface - Young Curators 2006
Author: Emma Williams / Year: 2006 /
In stock

The Betwys-y-coed Artists` Colony 1844 - 1914-thumbThe Betwys-y-coed Artists` Colony 1844 - 1914
Author: Peter Lord / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Homelands: a new exhibition by the group Fibre.Art.Wales-thumbHomelands: a new exhibition by the group Fibre.Art.Wales
Author: Jill Nicholls / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Acquisitions, Gifts & Bequests 2009 - 2010-thumbAcquisitions, Gifts & Bequests 2009 - 2010
Author: Contemporary Art Sociecty / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Acquisitions, Gifts & Bequests 2009 - 2010-thumbAcquisitions, Gifts & Bequests 2009 - 2010
Author: Contemporary Art Sociecty / Year: 2010 /
In stock

British Council: Art, Architecture & Design-thumbBritish Council: Art, Architecture & Design
Author: British Council /
In stock

Author: Dorrit Nebe, Dr. Justinus Maria Calleen / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Author: Artist House, Bryan Davies, Laura Quarmby /
In stock

Selling Dreams-thumbSelling Dreams
Author: Steve Neale /
In stock

Design Review-thumbDesign Review
Author: Design Commission for Wales / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Decade, 10 Years of Art and Regeneration 1990-2000-thumbDecade, 10 Years of Art and Regeneration 1990-2000
Author: Cardiff Bay Arts Trust / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Lovely Weather-thumbLovely Weather
Author: Diane Maclean / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Masters of the Universe, attempt number 19-thumbMasters of the Universe, attempt number 19
Author: Ed. Gordon Dalton / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Tailsliding -thumbTailsliding
Author: ed. Colin Ledwith / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Re:Imaging Wales; A Yearbook of the Visual Arts-thumbRe:Imaging Wales; A Yearbook of the Visual Arts
Author: Hugh Adams ed. / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Eleri Mills
Author: Foreward by Peter Gibson / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Eleri Mills-thumbEleri Mills
Author: Foreward by Peter Gibson / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Breaking Chains Making Links; responses to the life of Paul Robeson-thumbBreaking Chains Making Links; responses to the life of Paul Robeson
Author: Edited by Phil Cope, foreward by Paul Robeson Junior / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Paul Neagu: Nine Catalytic Stations-thumbPaul Neagu: Nine Catalytic Stations
Author: Paul Neagu / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Keith Morris: Y Traeth-thumbKeith Morris: Y Traeth
Author: Jill Piercy; Ruthin Craft Centre. / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Tom Phillips: new drawings and prints-thumbTom Phillips: new drawings and prints
Author: Tom Phillips / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Jeanette Orrel-thumbJeanette Orrel
Author: Moira Vincentelli / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Mabel Pakenham-Walsh: Wood Carvings and Paintings-thumbMabel Pakenham-Walsh: Wood Carvings and Paintings
Author: Mabel Pakenham-Walsh / Year: 1984 /
In stock

`Where Are We Going?`: Selections from the François Pinault Collection-thumb`Where Are We Going?`: Selections from the François Pinault Collection
Author: Alison M. Gingeras, Jack Bankowsky, David Anfam / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Colin Kent: adam gallery-thumbColin Kent: adam gallery
Author: Colin Kent /
In stock

Holly Davey: A third is You-thumbHolly Davey: A third is You
Author: Holly Davey, Simon Holly / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Author: Richard Cox / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Decade, 10 Years of Art and Regeneration 1990-2000-thumbDecade, 10 Years of Art and Regeneration 1990-2000
Author: Cardiff Bay Arts Trust / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Sculptors Working: Socrates Sculpture Park -thumbSculptors Working: Socrates Sculpture Park
Author: ed. enrico Martignoni / Year: 1988 /
In stock

The Observer Jewellery Exhibition-thumbThe Observer Jewellery Exhibition
Author: ed. The Welsh Arts Council /
In stock

Undercover/Dan Gochl-thumbUndercover/Dan Gochl
Author: ed. Oriel Davies Gallery / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Middelheim 25-thumbMiddelheim 25
Year: 1975 /
In stock

Platfform dau/2-thumbPlatfform dau/2
Year: 2004 /
In stock

Tide and Change-thumbTide and Change
Author: Stephen Turner / Year: 1998 /
In stock

CSAD MA/MFA 2010-thumbCSAD MA/MFA 2010
Year: 2010 /
In stock

Images, arts and the people in Northern Ireland-thumbImages, arts and the people in Northern Ireland
Author: Northern Island information /
In stock

Prudence Walters works on paper 2005-thumbPrudence Walters works on paper 2005
Author: Prudence Walters / Year: 2005 /
In stock

The Stars Down to Earth-thumbThe Stars Down to Earth
Author: Ed. Andrew Hunt / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Kan Yasuda-thumbKan Yasuda
Author: Ed. Sindaco di Pietrasanta / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Llygaid y Mor - The Eyes of the Sea, Alain Ayers-thumbLlygaid y Mor - The Eyes of the Sea, Alain Ayers
Author: Alain Ayers, Tamara Krikorian, Shelagh Hourahane / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Shroud, Patricia MacKinnon-Day-thumbShroud, Patricia MacKinnon-Day
Author: Patricia MacKinnon-Day, Padraig Timoney, Sam Ainslie / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Iaith Arwyneb - Surface Language-thumbIaith Arwyneb - Surface Language
Author: Richard Cox, Shirley Diamond, Kyle Geer, Suneet Ghildial, Gopal Sharma, Tomoya Yamaguchi / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Ffotograffau o Gasgliadau Cymreig/Photographs from Welsh Collections-thumbFfotograffau o Gasgliadau Cymreig/Photographs from Welsh Collections
Author: Ed. John Charity / Year: 1977 /
In stock

Helen Sear: Gone to Earth - John Hansard Gallery-thumbHelen Sear: Gone to Earth - John Hansard Gallery
Author: ed. Stephen Foster / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Simon Hitchens: seeking the sublime-thumbSimon Hitchens: seeking the sublime
Author: Simon Hitchens / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Dorrit Nebe: vorübergehend-thumbDorrit Nebe: vorübergehend
Author: Gabriele Uelsberg, Beate Ermacora, Dorrit Nebe / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Clive Hicks-Jenkins: The Mare`s Tale-thumbClive Hicks-Jenkins: The Mare`s Tale
Author: Clive Hicks-Jenkins / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Jane Grant: Still-thumbJane Grant: Still
Author: Emma Posey, Jane Grant / Year: 2001 /
In stock

A Century of Statues : The History of the Morris Singer Foundary-thumbA Century of Statues : The History of the Morris Singer Foundary
Author: Duncan S James / Year: 1984 /
In stock

Art Without Boundaries: 1950-70-thumbArt Without Boundaries: 1950-70
Author: ed. Gerald Woods, Philip Thompson & John Williams /
In stock

Michael Turner-thumbMichael Turner
Author: Editions Pecel Art & Michael Turner / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Victoria Melody-thumbVictoria Melody
Author: The Millais Gallery & Victoria Melody / Year: 2005 /
In stock

John Napper-thumbJohn Napper
Author: John Rowlands / Year: 1993 /
In stock

Bridges : The Daiwa Foundation Angle-Japanese Visual Arts Touring Show-thumbBridges : The Daiwa Foundation Angle-Japanese Visual Arts Touring Show
Author: The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Yoshikuni Iida - in the Time and Space of Existence and Words-thumbYoshikuni Iida - in the Time and Space of Existence and Words
Author: Yoshikuni Iida / Year: 1988 /
In stock

National Museum & Gallery Cardiff Souvenir Guide-thumbNational Museum & Gallery Cardiff Souvenir Guide
Author: Roger Thomas / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Head On; Art with the Brain in Mind-thumbHead On; Art with the Brain in Mind
Author: Caterina Albano, Ken Arnold and Marina Wallace / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Text + Work-thumbText + Work
Author: Liz Wells /
In stock

Tidal: Brendan Stuart Burns-thumbTidal: Brendan Stuart Burns
Year: 2005 /
In stock

The Big Pit Story-thumbThe Big Pit Story
Year: 1992 /
In stock

Pictures of Welsh People-thumbPictures of Welsh People
Year: 1967 /
In stock

Antiuniversity of London-thumbAntiuniversity of London
Author: Flat time house / Year: 2013 /
In stock

Author: NEIL JEFFERIES / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

F & B Forth and Back-thumbF & B Forth and Back
Author: Tamsin Clark / Year: 2012 /
In stock

At The Edge Of The Forest-thumbAt The Edge Of The Forest
Author: David Nash / Year: 1993 /
In stock

Author: Swansea Metropolitan University / Year: 2009 /
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Author: institue francais en hongrie / Year: 1991 / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

Beagles & Ramsay: Dead of Night-thumbBeagles & Ramsay: Dead of Night
Author: Rachel Withers / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Shirazeh Houshiary-thumbShirazeh Houshiary
Author: Lisson Gallery London / Year: 1984 /
In stock

The Art Machine-thumbThe Art Machine
Author: Arthur Hughes, Nick Stanley and John Swift / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Sculpture at Goodwood
Author: Goodwood Sculpture / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Hellas, Biennale Venezia 1976
Author: Liberaki Michailidis / Year: 1976 /
In stock

A & A Sculpture Casting LTD-thumbA & A Sculpture Casting LTD
Author: Andy Elton, Henry Abercrombie /
In stock

Korttitalo: The House of Cards-thumbKorttitalo: The House of Cards
Author: Outi Heiskanen / Year: 1980 /
In stock

Lagedad Piirid: Bare Boundaries-thumbLagedad Piirid: Bare Boundaries
Author: Edit by Ketli Tiitsar and Kai Lobjakas / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Mac Adams Mysteries-thumbMac Adams Mysteries
Author: Mac Adams / Year: 1979 /
In stock

John Maine-thumbJohn Maine
Author: John Maine / Year: 1980 /
In stock

Tim Threlfall: New Sculpture-thumbTim Threlfall: New Sculpture
Author: Tim Threlfall / Year: 1986 /
In stock

British Art and the Modern Movement 1930-40 -thumbBritish Art and the Modern Movement 1930-40
Author: Ed. National Museum of Wales / Year: 1962 /
In stock

Dathlu deng mlynedd/Celebrating ten years 1999-09-thumbDathlu deng mlynedd/Celebrating ten years 1999-09
Author: ed. Fibre Art Wales / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Beauty and the Beast-thumbBeauty and the Beast
Author: The National Trust, StourHead, Wiltshire / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Parables of Light-thumbParables of Light
Author: Diana Hulton / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Seeking Asylum-thumbSeeking Asylum
Author: Diana Matar / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Luk Van Soom-thumbLuk Van Soom
Author: International Cultureel Centrum / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Les Caracteres De La Verriere-thumbLes Caracteres De La Verriere
Author: Pierre Vivant / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Welsh Dunes-thumbWelsh Dunes

In stock

Jonah Jones, John Petts, Kyffin Williams-thumbJonah Jones, John Petts, Kyffin Williams
Author: Arts Council of Great Britain, Welsh Committee / Year: 1961 /
In stock

Figures in a Garden -thumbFigures in a Garden
Author: Yorkshire Sculpture Park /
In stock

Figures in a Garden -thumbFigures in a Garden
Author: Yorkshire Sculpture Park /
In stock

Skeleton: Investigating  Site-thumbSkeleton: Investigating Site
Author: John Newling / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Ruri Archive - Endangered Waters-thumbRuri Archive - Endangered Waters
Author: Michel Onfray / Year: 2003 /
In stock

MA Documentary Photography-thumbMA Documentary Photography
Year: 2000 /
In stock

Sculpture: Wimbledon School of Art-thumbSculpture: Wimbledon School of Art
Year: 1992 /
In stock

Arts and the Changing City-thumbArts and the Changing City
Author: British American Arts Association / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Contemporary Spanish Realists-thumbContemporary Spanish Realists
Author: Marlborough Fine Art / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Gallery Pangolin, Bronze Sculpture-thumbGallery Pangolin, Bronze Sculpture
Author: Gallery Pangolin / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Still Life-thumbStill Life
Author: Ann Gallagher / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Something Funny in the Woodshed-thumbSomething Funny in the Woodshed
Author: Susan Adams, Thomas Barker, Christopher Nurse, Jennet Thomas. / Year: 2001 /
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Author: Lulu Allison / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Home Ground (cynefin)-thumbHome Ground (cynefin)
Author: Eve Ropek / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Mac Adams: The Silence of Shadows-thumbMac Adams: The Silence of Shadows
Author: Norbert Lyndon, Carole-Anne Davies / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Nicola Hicks: Furtive Imagination-thumbNicola Hicks: Furtive Imagination
Author: Nicola Hicks / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Gwen Hardie: New Paintings, Sculptures and Works on Paper-thumbGwen Hardie: New Paintings, Sculptures and Works on Paper
Author: Gwen Hardie / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Piano En Valois, 11e Festival-thumbPiano En Valois, 11e Festival
Author: Georges Chavanes, Jean Mardikian / Year: 1995 / Issue No.: 11 /
In stock

Arddangosfa Celf A Chrefft: Art and Crafts Exhibition-thumbArddangosfa Celf A Chrefft: Art and Crafts Exhibition
Author: Harry James / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Reiko Aoyagi & Phillippa Lawrence-thumbReiko Aoyagi & Phillippa Lawrence
Author: Michal Skoda / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Pangolin -thumbPangolin
Author: Gallery Pengolin / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Scottish Sculpture Nine Open-thumbScottish Sculpture Nine Open
Author: ed. Arthur Wilson, Chris Fremantle / Year: 1997 /
In stock

The worlds largest professional art foundry
Author: The Morris Singer Foundry / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Artexte, Le Repertoire/The Directory, Publications on Canadian contemporary art -thumbArtexte, Le Repertoire/The Directory, Publications on Canadian contemporary art
Author: Canadian Art Magazines / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Sculpture: Wimbledon School of Art-thumbSculpture: Wimbledon School of Art
Year: 1992 /
In stock

The Winchester Gallery: Pierre Vivant-thumbThe Winchester Gallery: Pierre Vivant
Author: ed. John Gillett / Year: 1988 /
In stock

Catrin Jones: Architectural & Stained Glass-thumbCatrin Jones: Architectural & Stained Glass
Author: Catrin Jones / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Kari Huhtamo: Sculptor-thumbKari Huhtamo: Sculptor
Year: 1984 /
In stock

Sculpture for a Garden-thumbSculpture for a Garden
Author: Tom Andrews /
In stock

Apparition the Action of Appearing -thumbApparition the Action of Appearing
Author: Roger Malbert and Lucy Steeds / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Immediate 3, New Art from the North-thumbImmediate 3, New Art from the North
Author: Carol Maund / Year: 2005 /
In stock

To Instruct and Inspire-thumbTo Instruct and Inspire
Year: 1997 /
In stock

Craig Y Nos-thumbCraig Y Nos
Author: Kathryn Ashill / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Craig Y Nos-thumbCraig Y Nos
Author: Kathryn Ashill / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Ana Busto: Working Shoes-thumbAna Busto: Working Shoes
Author: Ana Busto / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Nigel Hall: Recent Sculptures and Drawings, 28 March - 11 May 1996-thumbNigel Hall: Recent Sculptures and Drawings, 28 March - 11 May 1996
Author: Nigel Hall / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Ainsley Hillard: Traces-thumbAinsley Hillard: Traces
Author: Ainsley Hillard / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Rachelle Viader Knowles: Home and Other Fictions-thumbRachelle Viader Knowles: Home and Other Fictions
Author: Rachelle Viader Knowles / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Richard Deacon Sculpture 1980-86-thumbRichard Deacon Sculpture 1980-86
Author: Richard Deacon / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Everything About the Quid/Tout Sur le Quoi/Alles Over Het Wat-thumbEverything About the Quid/Tout Sur le Quoi/Alles Over Het Wat
Author: Martine Neddam / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Challenging Rooms-thumbChallenging Rooms
Author: Florence Llewellyn-Bowen /
In stock

Challenging Rooms-thumbChallenging Rooms
Author: Florence Llewellyn-Bowen /
In stock

Clean Slate-thumbClean Slate
Author: ed. The Artists` Project / Year: 1999 /
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Author: Mellissa E. Feldman, Maurice Berger, Martin Barlow, Emily Ash / Year: 2000 /
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Home (Between 8 and 10 p.m.)-thumbHome (Between 8 and 10 p.m.)
Author: ed. MASS / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Minute of Silence-thumbMinute of Silence
Author: ed. Branko Franceschi / Year: 2002 /
In stock

David Jones-thumbDavid Jones
Year: 1977 /
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Visual Arts Exhibition-thumbVisual Arts Exhibition
Year: 2006 /
In stock

The Sixth Arts & Business Cymru Awards Ceremony -thumbThe Sixth Arts & Business Cymru Awards Ceremony
Author: Arts & Business Cymru /
In stock

An Exhibition of New Works-thumbAn Exhibition of New Works
Author: Gordon Woods / Year: 1985 /
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Author: Austin Wright / Year: 1984 /
In stock

A Sense Of Purpose-thumbA Sense Of Purpose
Author: Michael Tooby / Year: 1993 /
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IIDA: Recent Sculptures-thumbIIDA: Recent Sculptures
Author: Annely Juda Fine Art / Year: 1988 /
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Space for 10-thumbSpace for 10
Author: The Art House / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Cross-Sections: Sculptures & Drawings by Dhruva Mistry-thumbCross-Sections: Sculptures & Drawings by Dhruva Mistry
Author: Collins Gallery / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Bernadette Kiely: Slow Time. Local Ground.-thumbBernadette Kiely: Slow Time. Local Ground.
Author: Model Arts and Niland Gallery / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Hidden Dips: New Work by Conor McFeely-thumbHidden Dips: New Work by Conor McFeely
Author: Millenium Courts Art Centre / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Basta: Bedwyr Williams-thumbBasta: Bedwyr Williams
Author: Wales at the Venice Biennale / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Truss: Sculpture-thumbTruss: Sculpture
Author: Ellen Mc Donagh / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Miles Davies: Sculpture-thumbMiles Davies: Sculpture
Author: Yorkshire Sculpture Park / Year: 1992 /
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Next Phase-thumbNext Phase
Author: Ian Jeffrey / Year: 1990 /
In stock

Science Photo Library-thumbScience Photo Library
Author: SPL (Science Photo Library) /
In stock

Inner Spaces Open Studios and Galleries Weekend-thumbInner Spaces Open Studios and Galleries Weekend
Author: Inner Spaces / Year: 2005 /
In stock

S1 Artspace Projects Presents-thumbS1 Artspace Projects Presents
Author: Artspace Projects / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Brought to Light-thumbBrought to Light
Author: Oriel Mostyn Gallery / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Recent Paintings by Simon Gallery Jane Harris Mandy Ure Roy Voss-thumbRecent Paintings by Simon Gallery Jane Harris Mandy Ure Roy Voss
Author: Djanogly Art Gallery / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Cheltenham Painting 2000-thumbCheltenham Painting 2000
Year: 2000 /
In stock

Swansea Photojournalism and Photography in the Arts-thumbSwansea Photojournalism and Photography in the Arts
Author: Swansea Institute of Higher Education / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Contemporary Printmaking in Wales-thumbContemporary Printmaking in Wales
Author: William Brown / Year: 1992 /
In stock

Unto This Last-thumbUnto This Last
Author: Sue Haddon / Year: 2010 /
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Author: Faculty of Art, Media and Design, University of the West of England / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Reiko Aoyago + Emma Lawton-thumbReiko Aoyago + Emma Lawton
Year: 1996 /
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Sideshow 2010 -thumbSideshow 2010
Author: Sideshow 2010 /
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Author: Jennie Syson / Year: 2009 / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2016: Y Lle Celf-thumbEisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2016: Y Lle Celf
Author: Patrick Hannay / Year: 2016 /
In stock

International Project Space `Mass Damper`-thumbInternational Project Space `Mass Damper`
Author: George Henry Longly / Year: 2008 / Issue No.: 13 /
In stock

Art College Forgery:First International Festival of Iron-thumbArt College Forgery:First International Festival of Iron
Author: ed. Peter Parkinson / Year: 1989 /
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Author: wolfgang Becker / Year: 1981 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Author: LIVERPOOL BIENNIAL / Year: 2008 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Author: SHAVE ARTISTS` WORKSHOP / Year: 1992 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Author: MILES CHALCRAFT / Year: 2008 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Author: EMMA POSEY / Issue No.: 1 /
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In stock

Author: LUIS PAIXAO MARTINS / Year: 1999 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Production Still-thumbProduction Still
Author: Moot / Year: 2008 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Direct Contact-thumbDirect Contact
Author: Chapter / Year: 1986 / Issue No.: 1 /
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the memorial redefined-thumbthe memorial redefined
Author: linda cunningham / Year: 1989 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Author: `L`H DU SIEGE / Year: 1999 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Changing Landscapes: Art in an expanded field-thumbChanging Landscapes: Art in an expanded field
Author: Betty Beaumont / Year: 1989 / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

Coast Line-thumbCoast Line
Author: Simon Hitchens / Year: 2006 / Issue No.: 1 /
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40 Years On-thumb40 Years On
Author: Art Society for Wales / Year: 1997 / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

Kari Caven, Raili Tang-thumbKari Caven, Raili Tang
Author: Galleria Krista Mikkola / Year: 1986 / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

Artes Mundi 5 -thumbArtes Mundi 5
Author: Artes Mundi 5, edited by Tessa Hartog / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Ways Of Working, A Mock Up -thumbWays Of Working, A Mock Up
Author: Wysing art centre / Year: 2012 /
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Ceal Floyer
Year: 2001 / Issue No.: 1 /
In stock

Sculpture from the Landscape (Cerfluniaeth o`r tirlun)-thumbSculpture from the Landscape (Cerfluniaeth o`r tirlun)
Author: Michael Fairfax, Marigold Hodgkinson, Robert Jakes, Tum Pugh, Lois Williams, / Year: 1995 /
In stock

Sculpture from the Landscape (Cerfluniaeth o`r tirlun)-thumbSculpture from the Landscape (Cerfluniaeth o`r tirlun)
Author: Michael Fairfax, Marigold Hodgkinson, Robert Jakes, Tum Pugh, Lois Williams, / Year: 1995 /
In stock

The Genius of China: An Exhibition of Archaeological finds of the People`s Republic of China-thumbThe Genius of China: An Exhibition of Archaeological finds of the People`s Republic of China
Author: William Watson and the Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain) / Year: 1973 /
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Lines Of Desire-thumbLines Of Desire
Author: Oriel Davies Young Curators 2010 / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Osterreichisches Museum Fur Angewandte Kunst-thumbOsterreichisches Museum Fur Angewandte Kunst
Author: Peter Noever / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Cheltenham Painting 2000-thumbCheltenham Painting 2000
Author: Anita Taylor / Year: 2000 /
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Author: Pernille Leggat Ramfelt & Richard Bevan / Year: 2011 / Issue No.: 1 /
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Author: Various / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Laumeier Sculpture Park - First Decade 1976 - 1986 -thumbLaumeier Sculpture Park - First Decade 1976 - 1986
Author: ed. George McCue / Year: 1986 /
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Craig Y Nos-thumbCraig Y Nos
Author: Kathryn Ashill / Year: 2010 /
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Blue Bell Hangar Project
Author: New British Art / Year: 2012 /
In stock

The City. Stories about Riga -thumbThe City. Stories about Riga
Author: Brigitte Carnochan, Andrejs Grants, Gints Gabrans, Kaspars Goba, Marcus Haydock, Gvido Kajons, Llva / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Arggangosfa celf a chrefft/Art and crafts exhibition -thumbArggangosfa celf a chrefft/Art and crafts exhibition
Author: Bro Ogwr 1998, National Eisteddfod of Wales / Year: 1998 /
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Year: 1988 /
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Zavtra [Tomorrow]-thumbZavtra [Tomorrow]
Author: Richard Bevan, Tamsin Clark /
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Rhagolwg Arddangosfeydd invitation-thumbRhagolwg Arddangosfeydd invitation
Author: Mostyn / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Oriel Wrecsam, exhibitions & learning programme -thumbOriel Wrecsam, exhibitions & learning programme
Author: Oriel Wrecsam / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Trace -thumbTrace
Author: International connection super deluxe / Year: 2003-2004 /
In stock

Funny, How Thin the Line Is-thumbFunny, How Thin the Line Is
Author: Atlas group / Year: 2005-2006 /
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Author: Lulu Allison, Alistair Owen / Year: 2011 /
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MA Contemporary curatorial practice -thumbMA Contemporary curatorial practice
Author: University of Lincoln /
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Letter from the Institut pour I`Art el la ville-thumbLetter from the Institut pour I`Art el la ville
Author: Jaky Vieux / Year: 28 Jun 1995 /
In stock

Picturing Cardiff, Visual Art in the City-thumbPicturing Cardiff, Visual Art in the City
Author: Hugh Adams, Toril Brancher, Jon Gower / Year: 2002 /
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Thomas Grunfeld: misfits I - VII-thumbThomas Grunfeld: misfits I - VII
Author: Thomas Grunfeld / Year: 1990 /
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Art and crafts exhibition/Arddangosfa celf a chrefft-thumbArt and crafts exhibition/Arddangosfa celf a chrefft
Author: Eisteddfod / Year: 1996 /
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Author: Mathilde Papapietro / Year: 1995 /
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Antiuniversity of London-thumbAntiuniversity of London
Author: Flat time house / Year: 2013 /
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How do you translate culture?-thumbHow do you translate culture?
Author: Balsall Heath Biennale / Year: July 2013 /
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Contemporary Dialogues 2012-thumbContemporary Dialogues 2012
Author: Dr Paul Jeff / Year: 2012 /
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Author: Dida Tait / Year: 2013 /
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Year: 2013 /
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The River-thumbThe River
Author: Ian Sinclair / Year: 2001 /
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From Common Differences -thumbFrom Common Differences
Author: Paul Duerinckx, Hamish Gane and Richard Page / Year: 2013 /
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Heres To Another 10-thumbHeres To Another 10
Author: Low Profile / Year: 2012 /
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Art From Goldsmiths-thumbArt From Goldsmiths
Author: Neil Jefferies and Sabina Muller / Year: 2012 /
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Author: Goldsmiths MFA Curating Course 2012 / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Unreliable Truths: transformations and illusion in contemporary photographic practice-thumbUnreliable Truths: transformations and illusion in contemporary photographic practice
Author: Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian Art Gallery / Year: 2008 /
In stock

Still: Jane Grant -thumbStill: Jane Grant
Author: Emma Posey /
In stock

Author: Viktor Alampiev, Maxim Ilukhn, Philipp Dontsov, Olga Chernysheva /
In stock

Rubric Nascent, Pilot (sample issue)  -thumbRubric Nascent, Pilot (sample issue)
Author: Rubric Journal /
In stock

Warp Weft-thumbWarp Weft
Author: Laura Thomas and Dr Jessica Hemmings / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Museum City Fukuoka 1998-thumbMuseum City Fukuoka 1998
Author: Yamano Shingo, Miyamoto Htsune, Kirino Aiko, Ookubo Miyako / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Flourish -thumbFlourish
Author: Michael Cousin, David Cushway, Tim Davies, Eve Dent / Year: 2005 /
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Going Public-thumbGoing Public
Author: Embassy Gallery / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Into the Open - New Paintings, prints and sculpture by contemporary black artists-thumbInto the Open - New Paintings, prints and sculpture by contemporary black artists
Author: Sheffield Arts Departement / Year: 1984 /
In stock

Annuale 07/06/13-23/06/13-thumbAnnuale 07/06/13-23/06/13
Author: Embassy Presents Annuale / Year: 07,06,2013 /
In stock

The National and Tate Galleries-thumbThe National and Tate Galleries
Author: R. N. D. WILSON /
In stock

Cardiff School of Art and Desigh 2013-thumbCardiff School of Art and Desigh 2013
Author: Cardiff School of Art and Desigh / Year: 2013 /
In stock

Newport new talent -thumbNewport new talent
Author: University of Wales, Newport, Art School 2013 / Year: 2013 /
In stock

Trace: Displaced -thumbTrace: Displaced
Author: ED. Andre Stitt / Year: 2011 / Issue No.: 2 /
In stock

Mark Devereux Projects-thumbMark Devereux Projects
Author: Nicola Dale, David Ogle, Nicola Ellis / Year: 2013 /
In stock

Trace: Displaced -thumbTrace: Displaced
Author: ED. Andre Stitt / Year: 2011 / Issue No.: 2 /
In stock

Ripley`s Believe it or not, Curioddities  -thumbRipley`s Believe it or not, Curioddities
Author: Ripley`s Publishing / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Summer show NTE 2013-thumbSummer show NTE 2013
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2013 /
In stock

Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Offsite-thumbOriel Gelf Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Offsite
Author: Glynn Vivian art gallery, Swansea / Year: August 2013 /
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Year: 1997 / Issue No.: No 76 /
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Author: afterimage / Year: 2005 / Issue No.: 33, no.3 /
In stock

A Ultima Foto-thumbA Ultima Foto
Author: Rosangela Renno / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Th New Identity Tracing Self: Contemporary Taiwanese Art Exhibition -thumbTh New Identity Tracing Self: Contemporary Taiwanese Art Exhibition
Author: Mitsubishi Jisho Artium / Year: 2004 /
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Author: Tim Davies, Paul Emmanuel, Peter Finnemore, David Hastie, Karen Ingham, Georgia White, Sue Williams, / Year: 2003 /
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Some Distance From The Sun-thumbSome Distance From The Sun
Author: Matthew Dalziel, Louise Scullion / Year: 2007 /
In stock

All Images of an Anonymous Person-thumbAll Images of an Anonymous Person
Author: Miriam Bäckström, Carsten Höller /
In stock

Le Monde Inachevé-thumbLe Monde Inachevé
Author: Mauricio Dias, Walter Riedweg / Year: 2005 /
In stock

A New Silk Road: Algorithm of Survival and Hope-thumbA New Silk Road: Algorithm of Survival and Hope
Author: Gulnara Kasmalieva, Muratbek Djmaliev / Year: 2007 /
In stock

We Have The Mirrors, We Have The Plans-thumbWe Have The Mirrors, We Have The Plans
Author: Gennym Ni Mae`r Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae`r Cynllunia / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Contact Zone-thumbContact Zone
Author: Ammar Bouras, Hassan Echair, Sokey Edorh, Abdoulaye Konate, Huda Lutfi, Amuche Nguwu-Nnabueze, Kofi / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Author: Flis Mitchell, Kevin Hunt / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Flashes From The Archives Of Oblivion-thumbFlashes From The Archives Of Oblivion
Author: Heike Roms, Andre Stitt, ed. Hannah Firth / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Venice Biennale 2007 Australia-thumbVenice Biennale 2007 Australia
Author: Susan Norrie, Daniel von Strumer, Callum Morton / Year: 2007 /
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Venice Biennale 2007 Australia-thumbVenice Biennale 2007 Australia
Author: Susan Norrie, Daniel von Strumer, Callum Morton / Year: 2007 /
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Author: Alec Shepley, John McClenaghen / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Curtain Show-thumbCurtain Show
Author: Celine Condorelli, Tacita Dean, Douglas Gordon, Barbara Holub, Hannah James, Grace Ndiritu, Lilly Re / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Artes Mundi 4-thumbArtes Mundi 4
Author: Yael Bartana, Fernando Bryce, Ergin Cavusoglu, Chen Chieh-jen, Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Djuma / Year: 2010 /
In stock

By the way...-thumbBy the way...
Author: Cristian Alexa, Kazumi Kanemaki, Yuri Leiderman, Mladen Stilinovic, g. Trbuljak / Year: 2003 /
In stock

`Wales`: Unauthorised Versions-thumb`Wales`: Unauthorised Versions
Author: Alex Farquharson / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Author: Davor Mezak, Jasna Zastavnikovic / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Mostyn 2006: The 16th Mostyn Open Exhibition-thumbMostyn 2006: The 16th Mostyn Open Exhibition
Author: Julie Jones (translator) / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Crude Oil - Nicholas Deshayes-thumbCrude Oil - Nicholas Deshayes
Author: Pippa Shaw / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Fifty Six: An exhibition of painting and sculpture by the Fifty Six Group-thumbFifty Six: An exhibition of painting and sculpture by the Fifty Six Group
Author: Arthur Giardelli / Year: 1965 /
In stock

The Wonder and Loss of Familiar Places-thumbThe Wonder and Loss of Familiar Places
Author: Tim Croucher + Xu Ze / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Welcome to the Glassworks-thumbWelcome to the Glassworks
Year: 2002 /
In stock

Something Of The Night-thumbSomething Of The Night
Author: Tom Morton, University of Leeds, Vitrine, Corinne Miller / Year: 2005 /
In stock

Pride of Possession-thumbPride of Possession
Author: Eric Rowan, Noel Upfold / Year: 1975 /
In stock

Amser Dyn - About Time-thumbAmser Dyn - About Time
Author: Andrew Knight / Year: 1979 /
In stock

Blessed Are The Breasts-thumbBlessed Are The Breasts
Author: Vitrine / Year: 2005 /
In stock

You Are Here-thumbYou Are Here
Author: West Wales School of the Arts Gallery / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Arts & Crafts Exhibition `94-thumbArts & Crafts Exhibition `94
Author: Neath and District National Eisteddfod of Wales / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Arts & Crafts Exhibition `93-thumbArts & Crafts Exhibition `93
Author: National Eisteddfod of Wales, South Powys, Llanelwedd / Year: 1993 /
In stock

Arts & Crafts Exhibition `03-thumbArts & Crafts Exhibition `03
Author: National Eisteddfod of Wales / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Arts & Crafts Exhibition `99-thumbArts & Crafts Exhibition `99
Author: National Eisteddfod of Wales / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Arts & Crafts Exhibition `00-thumbArts & Crafts Exhibition `00
Author: National Eisteddfod of Wales / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Art at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham-thumbArt at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham
Author: International Convention Centre Birmingham /
In stock

Art & the Sea-thumbArt & the Sea
Author: Merseyside Maritime Museum Liverpool /
In stock

College Menai Fine Art Degree Exhibition-thumbCollege Menai Fine Art Degree Exhibition
Author: College Menai / Year: 2008 /
In stock

West Wales School of the Arts 2010-thumbWest Wales School of the Arts 2010
Author: West Wales School of the Arts / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Plastik im Freien 1984/85-thumbPlastik im Freien 1984/85
Author: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart / Year: 1985 /
In stock

Plastik im Freien 1985/86-thumbPlastik im Freien 1985/86
Author: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart / Year: 1986 /
In stock

Plastik im Freien 1988/89-thumbPlastik im Freien 1988/89
Author: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Plastik im Freien 1990/91-thumbPlastik im Freien 1990/91
Author: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart / Year: 1991 /
In stock

Barrie Cook and John Mitchell-thumbBarrie Cook and John Mitchell
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2006 /
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Summer Show NTE-thumbSummer Show NTE
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2013 /
In stock

Experimentica 1.1-thumbExperimentica 1.1
Author: Chapter Arts Centre / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Melanie Counsell-thumbMelanie Counsell
Author: Melanie Counsell / Year: 1993 /
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Recent Works-thumbRecent Works
Author: Ivor Davies / Year: 1991 /
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Author: Elfyn Lewis /
In stock

Leaving the Building-thumbLeaving the Building
Author: University of South Wales / Year: 2014 /
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Author: Paolo Skaf / Year: 2012 /
In stock

Lives and Landscapes -thumbLives and Landscapes
Author: Elmer Harp Jr / Year: 2003 /
In stock

becoming modern-thumbbecoming modern
Author: Amanda Farr / Year: 2008 /
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Woodshed - Something Funny In The -thumbWoodshed - Something Funny In The
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Wales Rajasthan Exchange Exhibition-thumbWales Rajasthan Exchange Exhibition
Author: Jawahar Kala Kendra / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Uncommon Ground-thumbUncommon Ground
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2008 /
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Reflex 2-thumbReflex 2
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Pete Ellis Hidden Agendas-thumbPete Ellis Hidden Agendas
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Fresh Cream-thumbFresh Cream
Author: ed. Gilda Williams, Clare Manchester / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Self-Esteem. Lithuanian Art 01-thumbSelf-Esteem. Lithuanian Art 01
Author: ed. Contemporary Art Centre of Vilnius / Year: 2002 /
In stock

50th International Art Exhibition - Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship Of The Viewer-thumb50th International Art Exhibition - Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship Of The Viewer
Author: ed. Francesco Bonami, Maria Luisa Frisa / Year: 2003 /
In stock

In Visible Light - Museum of Modern Art, Oxford-thumbIn Visible Light - Museum of Modern Art, Oxford
Author: ed. Chrissie Iles and Russell Roberts / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Cardiff School of Art and Design - Fine Art 2014-thumbCardiff School of Art and Design - Fine Art 2014
Author: Cardiff School of Art and Design / Year: 2014 /
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Author: N/A - German / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Dr. Sinclair`s Drawer - Flat Time House-thumbDr. Sinclair`s Drawer - Flat Time House
Author: Katrina Palmer, Samuel Hasler, Sarah Tripp, Francesco Pedraglio / Year: 2014 /
In stock

GREENHOUSE Display - Estufa Fria, Lisbon-thumbGREENHOUSE Display - Estufa Fria, Lisbon
Author: ed. Paulo Carmona / Year: 1996 /
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Project Biennale-thumbProject Biennale
Author: ed. Amanda Beech, Jaspar Joseph-Lester, Matthew Poole / Year: 2009 /
In stock

Space Between Us - Vane-thumbSpace Between Us - Vane
Author: ed. Paul Stone, Laurence Ward, Christopher Yeats / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Masters OF The Universe: Attempt No 19-thumbMasters OF The Universe: Attempt No 19
Author: Gordon Dalton / Year: 2003 /
In stock

The London Bookshop Map: 107 independent bookshops-thumbThe London Bookshop Map: 107 independent bookshops
Author: Louise O`Hare / Year: 2014-15 /
In stock

Material Culture: The Object in British Art of the 1980s and 90s-thumbMaterial Culture: The Object in British Art of the 1980s and 90s
Author: Susan Ferleger Brades / Year: 1997 /
In stock

Between Cinema and a Hard Place-thumbBetween Cinema and a Hard Place
Author: Tate Modern: Frances Morris / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Paul Becker: Paintings-thumbPaul Becker: Paintings
Author: Bill Becker / Year: 2003 /
In stock

From A To B (And Back Again)-thumbFrom A To B (And Back Again)
Author: Teresa Gleadowe / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Helen Sear: Spot-thumbHelen Sear: Spot
Author: Jim Waters / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Martin Creed: Works-thumbMartin Creed: Works
Author: Godfrey Worsdale / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Art For Networks-thumbArt For Networks
Author: Simon Pope / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Author: Stephen Hepworth / Year: 1998 /
In stock

Melanie Jackson: Soil & Seawater-thumbMelanie Jackson: Soil & Seawater
Author: Ian Hunt / Year: 1999 /
In stock

Fact & Fiction-thumbFact & Fiction
Author: Roberto Pinto /
In stock

Over & Over, Again & Again-thumbOver & Over, Again & Again
Author: Bruce Haines / Year: 2003 /
In stock

Thomas Galler -thumbThomas Galler
Author: Mijam Varadinis / Year: 2002 /
In stock

Adrian Paci-thumbAdrian Paci
Author: Angela Vettese / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Author: Amanda Farr / Year: 2008 /
In stock

True Stories & Photo Fictions-thumbTrue Stories & Photo Fictions
Author: Susan Beardmore / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Author: Kate Bush & Bret Rogers / Year: 2002 /
In stock

We`re Not Here To Give You Pleasure-thumbWe`re Not Here To Give You Pleasure
Author: Tom Dale / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Adrian Paci: Per Speculum-thumbAdrian Paci: Per Speculum
Author: Emma Dean / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Twice: Helen Sear-thumbTwice: Helen Sear
Author: Liz Kent / Year: 2001 /
In stock

Things We Lost In The Fire-thumbThings We Lost In The Fire
Author: Gordon Dalton / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Terra Mirabilis - Wonderful Land-thumbTerra Mirabilis - Wonderful Land
Author: Delys Sherre, Grounds Joan, Hall Fiona, Macpherson Robert, Ooms Anne, Piccinini Patricia, Swallow Ri / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Victor Pasmore-thumbVictor Pasmore
Author: Victor Pasmore / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Part of the Valleys Project-thumbPart of the Valleys Project
Author: Mike Berry, Peter Fraser, Francesca Odell, Roger Tiley / Year: 1987 /
In stock

Guest House Twenty-thumbGuest House Twenty
Author: Arnold Christine, Catt Morwenna, Collins Patricia, Golden Mathew, Douet Stephanie, Hale Pippa, Hall / Year: 2000 /
In stock

Rodin Sculptures-thumbRodin Sculptures
Author: Victoria and Albert Museum / Year: 1975 /
In stock

Running The Dog-thumbRunning The Dog
Author: Michael Flynn / Year: 1989 /
In stock

Process Progress-thumbProcess Progress
Author: Bruce McLean / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Visual Arts Exhibition 2006-thumbEisteddfod Visual Arts Exhibition 2006
Author: Eisteddfod / Year: 2006 /
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Eisteddfod Visual Arts Exhibition 1997-thumbEisteddfod Visual Arts Exhibition 1997
Author: Eisteddfod / Year: 1997 /
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Montage: John Heartfield
Author: Eckhard Siepman / Year: 1978 /
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Made to Stray-thumbMade to Stray
Author: Univseristy of South Wales / Year: 2015 /
In stock

Proposals for Liverpool-thumbProposals for Liverpool
Author: Peter Liversidge / Year: 2008 /
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Market Project-thumbMarket Project
Author: Escalator / Year: 2012 /
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Extravagent Bodies-thumbExtravagent Bodies
Author: cijena 100 kn / Year: 2010 /
In stock

Eisteddfod Visual Arts Exhibition 2004-thumbEisteddfod Visual Arts Exhibition 2004
Author: Eisteddfod /
In stock

The Eroded Steps-thumbThe Eroded Steps
Author: Giuseppe Penone / Year: 1989 /
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British Art Show 6-thumbBritish Art Show 6
Author: Hayward Gallery / Year: 2005 /
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Author: Akademie der Kunst / Year: 2007 /
In stock

Artes Mundi 2006-thumbArtes Mundi 2006
Author: Artes Mundi / Year: 2006 /
In stock

Artes Mundi 2004-thumbArtes Mundi 2004
Author: Artes Mundi / Year: 2004 /
In stock

Guyton Guyton Walker Walker-thumbGuyton Guyton Walker Walker
Author: Modern Collections / Year: 2011 /
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Author: Ffotogallery / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Creative Factories: Hackney Wick & Fish Island-thumbCreative Factories: Hackney Wick & Fish Island
Author: Richard Brown / Year: 2013 /
In stock

Contemporary Spanish Realists-thumbContemporary Spanish Realists
Author: Marlborough Fine Art / Year: 1996 /
In stock

Home Ground - Cynefin-thumbHome Ground - Cynefin
Author: Aberystwyth Art Centre / Year: 1994 /
In stock

Swansea College of Art Summer Shows 2016-thumbSwansea College of Art Summer Shows 2016
Author: Swansea College of Art / Year: 2016 /
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Author: Hours / Year: 2011 /
In stock

Adrian Paci - Per Speculum-thumbAdrian Paci - Per Speculum
Author: Adrian Paci / Year: 2006 /
In stock

From Here & There-thumbFrom Here & There
Author: Elysium Gallery / Year: 2014 /
In stock

The Sensorial Object-thumbThe Sensorial Object
Author: The Makers Guild in Wales / Year: 2015 /
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Museum - Pavilion of Lithuania-thumbMuseum - Pavilion of Lithuania
Author: Dainius Liskevicius / Year: 2015 /
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Author: Oriel Davies / Year: 2010 /
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RANK: Picturing the social order: 1516 - 2009-thumbRANK: Picturing the social order: 1516 - 2009
Author: Polly Toynbee / Year: 2009 /
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Daniel Robert Hunzkier-thumbDaniel Robert Hunzkier
Author: Pro Helvetica / Year: 1994 /
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Angela Lizon`s Colossal Cats-thumbAngela Lizon`s Colossal Cats
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2010 /
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Micj Maslen Stewart Geddes Philip Mead-thumbMicj Maslen Stewart Geddes Philip Mead
Author: Howard Gardens Gallery / Year: 2010 /
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Moot Postcard Commissions-thumbMoot Postcard Commissions
Author: Moot / Year: 2007 /
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Ha Ha What does this represent-thumbHa Ha What does this represent
Author: abstract critical / Year: 2012 /
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In A World of Your Own-thumbIn A World of Your Own
Author: Ministry of Culture, Bahrain / Year: 2013 /
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Shiftwork: Cathedral of Joy-thumbShiftwork: Cathedral of Joy
Author: Andre Stitt & Fritz Welch / Year: 2009 /
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32 Degrees-thumb32 Degrees
Author: Swansea College of Art / Year: 2008 /
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Mirjana Vodopija & Ivana Franke-thumbMirjana Vodopija & Ivana Franke
Author: Mirjana Vodopija & Ivana Franke / Year: 2001 /
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Progressions: Tauba Auerbach & R H Quaytman-thumbProgressions: Tauba Auerbach & R H Quaytman
Author: Inigo Philbrick / Year: 2014 /
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Abstraction / Figuration-thumbAbstraction / Figuration
Author: Inigo Philbrick / Year: 2013 /
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Some things Happen More Often than all of the time-thumbSome things Happen More Often than all of the time
Author: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer / Year: 2007 /
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Theres nothing more unequal than equality amongst unequals-thumbTheres nothing more unequal than equality amongst unequals
Author: Made in Roath / Year: 2015 /
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Balchder Eiddo-thumbBalchder Eiddo
Author: Eric Rowan and Noel Upfold / Year: 1975 /
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Materials 05-thumbMaterials 05
Author: Institute of Visual Culture / Year: 2003 /
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Palaces & Vabins-thumbPalaces & Vabins
Author: OSR Projects / Year: 2014 /
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Celf A Chrefft 1991-thumbCelf A Chrefft 1991
Author: Eisteddfod / Year: 1991 /
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Author: tactileBOSCH / Year: 2001 /
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Artes Mundi 6-thumbArtes Mundi 6
Author: Artes Mundi / Year: 2014 /
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From the Third Floor: Masters Degree Show 2016-thumbFrom the Third Floor: Masters Degree Show 2016
Author: Cardiff School of Art & Design / Year: 2016 /
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Thirteen Blackbirds look at a Man-thumbThirteen Blackbirds look at a Man
Author: Chapter / Year: 2015 /
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Artists in Resident & In Transit-thumbArtists in Resident & In Transit
Author: Heather Parnell, Mick Petts, Nigel Talbot / Year: 2005 /
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For all the things we thought we`d love forever-thumbFor all the things we thought we`d love forever
Author: Susan Collis / Year: 2009 /
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Art & Aesthetics Degree Show 2006-thumbArt & Aesthetics Degree Show 2006
Author: Cardiff School of Art & Design / Year: 2006 /
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Touchstones: Richard Long-thumbTouchstones: Richard Long
Author: Arnolfini / Year: 1983 /
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Against Order? Against Disorder-thumbAgainst Order? Against Disorder
Author: Michal Rovner / Year: 2003 /
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mes objets trouves-thumbmes objets trouves
Author: Kristina Leko / Year: 2000 /
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Author: S1 / Year: 2002 /
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Public Relations-thumbPublic Relations
Author: Public Relations /
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hitec - lotec-thumbhitec - lotec
Author: Design Industry Mix / Year: 2000 /
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You and me here we are-thumbYou and me here we are
Author: Roger Coward / Year: 2015 /
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Author: Aberystwyth Art Centre / Year: 2015 /
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John Moores 17-thumbJohn Moores 17
Author: National Museums and Galleries of Merseyside / Year: 1991 /
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Cardiff School of Art & Design Fine Art Degree Show 2012-thumbCardiff School of Art & Design Fine Art Degree Show 2012
Author: Cardiff School of Art & Design / Year: 2012 /
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Author: Alexandra Boyd / Year: 2004 /
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Material Process Concept-thumbMaterial Process Concept
Author: Cardiff School of Art & Design / Year: 2011 /
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Robert Knee: Drawing Rooms-thumbRobert Knee: Drawing Rooms
Author: BayArt / Year: 2008 /
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Steingrimur Eyfjord - The Golden Plover has Arrived-thumbSteingrimur Eyfjord - The Golden Plover has Arrived
Author: Gallery Turpentine / Year: 2007 /
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Beyond pattern-thumbBeyond pattern
Author: Oriel Davies / Year: 2010 /
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all in the present must be transformed-thumball in the present must be transformed
Author: Nancy Spector / Year: 2007 /
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Telling Tales: maria Hayes-thumbTelling Tales: maria Hayes
Author: Mid Pennine Gallery / Year: 2004 /
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MAS: L`Altra Colleccio Del Museu D`Art De Sabadell-thumbMAS: L`Altra Colleccio Del Museu D`Art De Sabadell
Author: Museu D`Art De Sabadell / Year: 1995 /
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Still The Barbarians-thumbStill The Barbarians
Author: Koyo Kouoh - curator / Year: 2016 /
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Nodiadau - maes. Field - notes-thumbNodiadau - maes. Field - notes
Author: Meg Anthony /
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Collection cahiers d`artistes-thumbCollection cahiers d`artistes
Author: Thomas Galler / Year: 2002 /
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Heat exchange-thumbHeat exchange
Year: 2016 /
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Bloombero New Contemporaries-thumbBloombero New Contemporaries
Author: Sacha Craddock / Year: 2018 /
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Author: Kneya Hara / Year: 2004 /
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A body of work -thumbA body of work
Author: Kevin Atherton / Year: 1982/1998 /
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Guyton Walker-thumbGuyton Walker
Year: 2011 /
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Olafur Eliasson-thumbOlafur Eliasson
Author: Olafur Eliasson /
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Howard Hodgkin-thumbHoward Hodgkin
Author: Andrew Graham-Dixoni / Year: 2004 /
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New Contemporaries: Moving Image 1968-2010-thumbNew Contemporaries: Moving Image 1968-2010
Author: ed Gill Henderson / Year: 2002 /
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The Politics of Place-thumbThe Politics of Place
Author: ed Jan-Erik Lundstrom / Year: 2002 /
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Route To Routes-thumbRoute To Routes
Author: Adeola Dewis / Year: 2017 /
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Best New York Art-thumbBest New York Art
Author: Boyer Tresaco / Year: 2015 /
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Best New York Art-thumbBest New York Art
Author: Boyer Tresaco / Year: 2015 /
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The Kiss or Poison Boyfriend or Jesus` Blood-thumbThe Kiss or Poison Boyfriend or Jesus` Blood
Author: Dan Howard-Birt / Year: 2017 /
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The Kiss or Poison Boyfriend or Jesus` Blood-thumbThe Kiss or Poison Boyfriend or Jesus` Blood
Author: Dan Howard-Birt / Year: 2017 /
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Paradise Lost, The First Roma Pavilion-thumbParadise Lost, The First Roma Pavilion
Author: Timea Junghaus, Katalin Szekely / Year: 2007 /
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Drift -thumbDrift
Author: Tim Davies / Year: 2013 /
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Paintings On Paper-thumbPaintings On Paper
Author: n/a / Year: 2016 /
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Author: Sally Sheinman / Year: 2005 /
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