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Eesti Kunstnikud Artists of Estonia 1
Author: Annus Arrak, Janov Kasemaa, Kask Keskkula, et al.
Category: Catalogue
Publisher: Soros Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia
ISBN: 9985604334
Year: 1998
Subject: Photography, Photo installation, Photo collage, Performance, Painting, Assamblage, Drawing, Installa
Description: This book is based upon information that has been compiled over the course of years by the CCA, Estonia. Comprehensive photo documentations and essays about 25 artists from Estonia. The objective of this collected work is not to write the history of Estonian art, but rather to serve as its source material. Therefore only most essential works have been selected. The books should create a certain general picture of the developments of contemporary art in Estonia. “Artists of Estonia” is one of the first survey reference works since Estonian language literature on contemporary art was so far limited exclusively to catalogues printed in small numbers. The goal of this book is to promote Estonia’s art internationally, and at the same time to assist Estonian art teachers and students, not to mention all art enthusiasts.
Information about Siim-Tanel Annus, Jüri Arrak, Valve Janov, Andrus Kasemaa, Jüri Kask, Ando Keskküla, Kaarel Kurismaa, Raoul Kurvitz, Leonhard Lapin, Peeter Laurits, Peeter Linnap, Ilmar Malin, Olav Maran, Raul Meel, Peeter Mudist, Jüri Ojaver, Jüri Okas, Kaljo Põllu, Sirje Runge, Lembit Sarapuu, Tea Tammelaan, Andres Tolts, Jaan Toomik, Aili Vint.
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