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Outsider: Oriel Myrddin Gallery-large

Outsider: Oriel Myrddin Gallery

Author: Sue Griffith
Category: Catalogue
Publisher: Oriel Myrddin Gallery, Camarthen
Year: 2010
Subject: Carwyn Evans, Moving Image, Video, Installation, Photography, Performance, Drawing, Sculpture
Description: An other. Not self. Differentiated. Separated. A stranger. The other inside, the unconscious. Unspoken or unsaid. An-other place. That which troubles us. Or threatens us. Or is forgotten, or repressed.

Carwyn Evans, David Garner, Mark Folds, etc.

Outsiderness has long been stereotypically associated with artists: unconventional, unorthodox, existing at the margins of society. Whereas in truth all artists are constantly and inescapably engaged in a relationship with others, as creators in search of understanding, narrators in search of a listener.
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