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Bernadette Kiely: Slow Time. Local Ground.-large

Bernadette Kiely: Slow Time. Local Ground.

Author: Model Arts and Niland Gallery
Category: Catalogue
Publisher: Model Arts and Niland Gallery
ISBN: 0-9540352-6-7
Year: 2005
Subject: Oil on canvas, Model Arts and Niland Gallery, Millenium Courts Arts Centre, Butler Gallery, Ballingl
Description: It`s not so much the place, though for me it is essential that it is this country (Ireland) as I feel deeply connected to it, but it`s more the place I find myself in within this country that I feel a connection with ... like what attracts me here, now, in this place. I have never gone looking for a place to paint.
I`ve been places and have seen things that really interest me. For example, I have been making drawings and taking photographs of mountain for years and did try to make a painting about one specific mountain, but it didn`t work. Then I was in Donegal and saw the mountains I want to make paintings about because they have qualities I haven`t found anywhere else ... but I don`t think I have ever thought, `I must paint this place`... rather, it`s `I want to make paintings about the fact that there is a burning in this field here` or that `the sky is this incredible yellow here`... or `the colour of this muddy water on this bit of road.` I find myself paying attention to certain things always more that others. - Bernadette Kiely
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