This Is Not Art
I was always going to be a writer. Then I wasn’t and went to art school. Then I was going to be an artist. And I made things and showed things and thought of things that I might make and sometimes I even sold things. And I went away to Germany to be an artist, but when I came back I was something else – an arts administrator – a title that suggests the administering of art.
So I administered art across the empty shops and parks of Cardiff and I administered sculpture at Margam and art in a tent at Hay-on-Wye. And I administered artists in residence, and was one briefly. And I administered art along the National Cycle Network and in an arts centre for people with disabilities. And then I administered some more residencies. And sometimes even rolled up my sleeves and got messy with children in festivals and workshops and across the dirty, forgotten places in South Wales.
But I also developed and researched and strategised and plotted and planned and raised money and then... and then I was at the funny end where it gets given out. And then I stopped all of that and ran away to join the media circus. And now here I am being an artist again. Funny how things turn out.
The artist was in the following exhibition: ¿AreWeNotDrawnOnwardToNewEra? Links :http://emmageliot.wordpress.com/