Lindsey Mendick is a sculptor working primarily in installation, working with imagery pulled from high and low culture. Her sculptures are often bright and painterly and use found objects and ceramics to create objects that have an indulgent appearance.
Mendick takes everyday domestic objects and foodstuffs, elevating them to an opulent platform. Into this she weaves her personal narratives, memories and relationships, collaborating with those around her in an attempt to democratise the storytelling process. By playfully combining low culture iconography and high culture methods of construction, Mendick creates humorously decadent and elaborate installations that enable the viewer to explore their personal history in a cathartic fashion.
Lindsey received an MA in Sculpture at the Royal College of Art, London (2017). Recent solo and two-person exhibitions include:
The Turnpike Pottery, The Turnpike, Leigh;
Perfectly Ripe, Zabludowicz Collection, London (2018);
Jamie Fitzpatrick and Lindsey Mendick, Vitrine, Basel, Switzerland (2018);
She’s Really Nice When You Get To Know Her, Visual Arts Center, Austin, Texas, USA (2016). Selected group exhibitions include:
Something Else, Triumph Galley, Moscow, Russia (2018);
Rhapsodies, Ping Pong, Brussels, Belgium (2018).
The artist was in the following exhibition: Survey Links :http://lindseymendick.com/