Gweni Llwyd

b. 1995, Wrecsam
Lives and works in Cardiff

Gweni Llwyd <i>Annwn Virtual World</i>, Still, 2021
Gweni Llwyd Annwn Virtual World, Still, 2021

Gweni Llwyd (she/her) is a Welsh artist based in Cardiff. Her practice reflects on how the human condition is caught between tactile physicality and intangible digital realms. Predominantly working in video, 3D animation and installation, Gweni collages disparate elements together to create abstracted rhythms and narratives, mirroring the often chaotic, disjointed nature of our world today. Through using first hand and found footage, game engines and physical material, her works blur the distinction between what is here now and what exists elsewhere in time.

Gweni is also co-founder of RAT TRAP collective. RAT TRAP are artists and musicians that find their own routes through the maze of protocols and ways of doing things. Their outcomes are live events that mix music, performance and exhibition without one becoming the background for the others, blending audiences and artforms. They focus on live-ness and works that evolve during conversations. The work is raw and unmediated, but considered and precise.

Recent projects and exhibitions include: upcoming - Jerwood UNITe residency, g39 Cardiff (2021); Green Man Festival Artist Commission (2020); Anti Beta, [...] Mission Gallery, Swansea (2020); V&A Museum Late, London (2019); Gripping Wrists, LUX Scotland and Tendency Towards, Aberdeen (2018). In 2018, Gweni was the recipient of the Arts Council of Wales Brian Ross Memorial Award; National Eisteddfod of Wales Young Artist Scholarship and the NOVA Cymru Young Artist Prize.

The artist was in the following exhibitions:
RAT TRAP x g39
Jerwood UNITe 2021 Open Studios

Links :
  • Gweni Llwyd <i>Anit Beta</i>, Still, 2019
  • Gweni Llwyd <i>Annwn Virtual World</i>, Still, 2021
  • Gweni Llwyd <i>Gro Chwipio</i>, Film Still, 2017
  • Gweni Llwyd <i>Switch Gif series</i>, Film Still, 2020
  • Gweni Llwyd <i>Lady of Sorrows_AR filter_2020_with thanks to António Joaqium Sousa</i>, 2020