Rory Duckhouse and Amy Edwards, Screen Shot 2018-03-15, 2018
Rory Duckhouse is an artist and writer who works with ideas of information and control.
Rory’s mixed media practice works across image, text, video and installation to look at how our behaviour can be influenced by external factors. Recently his work has focused on the gallery space and the tension felt by the public upon crossing a threshold. His work acts as an institutional critique commenting on the junction between viewer and cultural space. Rory's work looks to encourages a sense of participation where the viewer completes the artwork themselves, this collaboration between viewer and artist is integral to his practice. Using this as a platform, Rory explores the space between photography, news, history, information, power, control & technology amongst other ideas.
Rory works collaboratively with the artist Amy Edwards on a project titled Find A Starting Point. Their collaborative practice uses tropes from popular culture to appropriate modern life and examine notions of fact and fiction in an internet dominated society.
The artist was in the following exhibitions: UNIT(e) 2016 Sightseers Links :www.roryduckhouse.com