John-Michael Parry’s practice encompasses the disciplines of art and design. His current work and recent projects use a multidisciplinary and critical design approach to explore the complex relationships between the artefacts we make, their purpose, and the complex cognitive, historical and technological trajectories that underpin their realisation. He adopts a forward thinking and conceptual, yet humanistic approach in his work, utilising an understanding of composition, contemporary aesthetics and trends.
“While much emphasis has been placed by recent design upon the social and cultural interactions of artefacts and technologies, little effort has been made to understand, in anything other than an entirely superficial way, that artefacts allow us like no other species to create a dissolution of our physicality. Artefacts extend our biological condition; they allow us to interact with the world and to leave traces of our minds and ourselves across time and geography in a way that the physical body alone denies.
Have we lost sight of the fact that these artefacts, and the physical environment we live in are our making? At a time when our lives are more integrated with artefacts than ever, do they limit our potential engagement with the world and even our perception of other alternate realities, the future of human civilization and its condition?
So what happens when we disregard usual designer intent and create artefacts in new and unexpected ways? How will emergent and future technologies affect our understanding and creation of artefacts, and the physical environments we live in? What happens if they no longer make sense in this reality?”
John-Michael graduated from Cardiff Metropolitan University with a BA (Hons) in Product design. He has also studied art, design and photography.
The artist was in the following exhibition: UNIT(e) 2015 Links :http://cargocollective.com/j-mp