Rebecca Lennon, `Dead on arrival` (2009).
Rebecca Lennon brings together video, performance, sound and installation in a diverse, inquisitive and enigmatic practice.
In process-based works such as ‘Offering for Tesco (Where Wings Take Dream)’, in which an image of a plane constructed by the John Frum Cargo Cult of Papua New Guinea was recreated outside a London Tesco supermarket during rush hour, Lennon interrogates and probes the relationship between disparate cultural texts. The work is exemplary of the artist’s search for meaning and synchronicity through an ongoing process of montage, reconstruction, displacement, intervention and reinterpretation.
Lennon Graduated from Fine Art (Time Based Media) at Sheffield Hallam University in 2004. She recently completed an M.A in Fine Art (Media) at The Slade School of Art, London. She is represented by Ceri Hand Gallery Liverpool. She has exhibited extensively throughout England and Wales and at festivals and group shows in Vilnius, Florence, Rotterdam, Berlin and Basel.
The artist was in the following exhibition: For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn Links :www.rebeccalennon.co.uk www.cerihand.co.uk