Sin Wai Kin

b. Canada

Sin Wai Kin, The Breaking Story (2022), video still. Commissioned by Sunpride Foundation and Tai Kwun Contemporary for Myth Makers, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong
Sin Wai Kin, The Breaking Story (2022), video still. Commissioned by Sunpride Foundation and Tai Kwun Contemporary for Myth Makers, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong

Sin Wai Kin brings fantasy to life through storytelling in moving image, performance, writing, and print. Drawing on experiences of existing between binary categories, their work realises alternate worlds to describe lived experiences of desire, identification and consciousness.

The artist was the recipient of the 24th Baloise Art Prize at Art Basel 2023. Their film, A Dream of Wholeness in Parts (2021) was nominated for the 2022 Turner Prize, and included in the touring exhibition the British Art Show 9, as well as being screened at the British Film Institute’s 65th London Film Festival. Recent solo exhibitions include MUDAM, Luxembourg; Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb and Taipei Contemporary Art Centre, Taipei.

The artist was in the following exhibition:
Cinema: The Film London Jarman Award 2024

Links :
  • Sin Wai Kin, The Breaking Story (2022), video still. Commissioned by Sunpride Foundation and Tai Kwun Contemporary for Myth Makers, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong