Melanie Manchot

b. Germany

Melanie Manchot & Andrew Schonfelder, Liquid Skin (2023), film still. Commissioned by Urbane Künste Ruhr. Courtesy Galerie m, Bochum, Germany
Melanie Manchot & Andrew Schonfelder, Liquid Skin (2023), film still. Commissioned by Urbane Künste Ruhr. Courtesy Galerie m, Bochum, Germany

Across film, video, photography and sound, Melanie Manchot's work pursues enquiries into the processes that lead towards our individual and collective identities. Her projects interrogate and employ acts of care, resistance and communality to engage in discourses on social and political urgencies. Performance-to-camera, reconstruction and participation as well as location-based research are recurring methodologies in her work.

Using cameras as organising principles, works operate on the threshold of documentary and staged events to investigate how fact, fiction and observation offer strategies for speaking about our shifting place in an increasingly mediated world.

In 2023 Manchot completed her first feature film STEPHEN, which was premiered at Liverpool Biennial 2023. Her films have screened at Locarno Film Festival, Sheffield DocFest, Raindance and Videonale. Her work was recently presented in a major survey show at Museum MAC/VAL, Paris.

The artist was in the following exhibition:
Cinema: The Film London Jarman Award 2024

Links :
  • Melanie Manchot & Andrew Schonfelder, Liquid Skin (2023), film still. Commissioned by Urbane Künste Ruhr. Courtesy Galerie m, Bochum, Germany