Sam Keelan

Lives and works in London

Sam Keelan, Headshot, 2023
Sam Keelan, Headshot, 2023

Sam Keelan uses photography, moving image and writing to tell gay surreal narratives and ideas around individualism, care and community. These narratives dissect day-to-day connections to one another, then transform the benign aspects of these ideas to create queer doppelgängers of dominant middle class ideologies, often reinserted back into domestic spaces.

Shot in a dated hotel room, Tired as the Land presents a silent durational film of a tender and absurd scene of two male figures – one human, one a human-sized hot water bottle – embracing and sleeping in simple domesticity. Keelan uses a staple of domestic comfort to give physical and playful form to the politics of care.

Sam Keelan has presented work at The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery (University of Leeds, 2023-24), TJ Boulting, (London, 2023) and Quench Gallery, (Margate, 2022)

The artist was in the following exhibition:
Jerwood Survey III

Links :
  • Sam Keelan, Heard it through the walls, 2022
  • Sam Keelan, Lily of the Valley, 2022
  • Sam Keelan, Headshot, 2023
  • Sam Keelan, Expert Fitting, 2023
  • Sam Keelan, Marden Moor, 2023
  • Sam Keelan, First To Go, 2023