Kandace Siobhan Walker

Lives and works in London

Kandace Siobhan Walker, Seine, Call the Waves, Chapter Arts Centre 2022
Kandace Siobhan Walker, Seine, Call the Waves, Chapter Arts Centre 2022

Kandace Siobhan Walker is a writer and artist of Jamaican-Canadian, Saltwater Geechee and Welsh heritage. Her practice explores the intersections of personal history with wider social movements and systems. Dreams, displacement, belonging, care, community, spirituality and justice are recurring themes in her work.

Walker’s domestic bedroom-like installation Dreamerism invites you to tuck in and tune in, making an at once tactile, visual and aural experience. Montaged, documentary-style footage and poetic spoken word reflects on urban and rural environments, medieval esoteric traditions, futurology, and Afro-Atlantic-Indigenous spiritualities and ecologies in order to challenge Western discourses on the climate crisis.

Kandace Siobhan Walker has presented work at Turner House (Penarth 2022) and Chapter Arts Centre (Cardiff 2022)

The artist was in the following exhibition:
Jerwood Survey III

Links :
  • Kandace Siobhan Walker, Seine, Call the Waves, Chapter Arts Centre 2022
  • Kandace Siobhan Walker, Everything Was Once a Dream (2021)
  • Kandace Siobhan Walker, Gathering, On Loss and Damage, 2022
  • Kandace Siobhan Walker, Seine, Call the Waves, Chapter Arts Centre 2022