Ebun Sodipo

Lives and works in London

Ebun Sodipo, Prosthesis for Freedom - Mary Jones_ piece of cow
Ebun Sodipo, Prosthesis for Freedom - Mary Jones_ piece of cow

Ebun Sodipo makes work for black trans people of the future. Guided by black feminist study, with a methodology of collage and fabulation, her work locates and produces real and imaginable narratives of black trans women’s presence, embodiment and interiority across the past, present and future. In doing this, Sodipo fills in historical gaps to create moments of archival pleasure for black trans people.

Sodipo’s elegant, hybrid bronze sculpture Left Hand of the Sisters fuses scanned images of hands from several of her loved ones across the black trans women community. The cast connects these women with others from across time and place, particularly the Mugwe, spiritual leaders of the Kenyan Meru people, whose left hands were recorded to be devastatingly powerful.

Ebun Sodipo has presented work at Hauser and Wirth (Somerset, 2024) Live Collision Festival (Dublin 2024), Turner Contemporary (Margate, 2023) FACT (Liverpool, 2022) and Goldsmiths CCA (London, 2022).

The artist was in the following exhibition:
Jerwood Survey III

Links :
  • Ebun Sodipo, Atlantic Cruises - with Rosa Johan Uddoh
  • Ebun Sodipo, Nasty Girl The Sharpest Girl In Town (video), Install View, VO Curations
  • Ebun Sodipo, Prosthesis for Freedom - Mary Jones_ piece of cow
  • Ebun Sodipo, General Partition, 2022
  • Ebun Sodipo, And yes, you kept going, 2022