Void X, Installation shot, 2007
Alistair Burleigh uses digital projection techniques to generate a fluid 'second skin' for a variety of scenarios, exploring the effects of multimedia technologies and modern digital culture upon traditional human values.
Burleigh fuses the idea of virtual and real space together in his piece
VoidX – Escaping the Screen, a three dimensional video installation. A virtual projected model of the same geometric arrangement wraps his cubic blocks within the gallery space. The arrangement soon becomes changed and the virtual blocks ‘fly’ around their physical counterpart colliding and separating providing an environment within which these two ordinarily separate realities merge. Virtual space becomes perceptually ‘real’ physical space.
Burleigh has created the Wrap3, a digital arts company that offers a diverse range of production and multimedia services delivered through a revolutionary new digital display technique - panoramic video projection.
The artist was in the following exhibition: Distance Learning This artist is featured in: One In The OtherLinks :www.wrap3.co.uk