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Bouvetoya : A Cultural History Of An Isolated Landmass-large

Bouvetoya : A Cultural History Of An Isolated Landmass

Author: Freddy Dewe Mathews
Category: Artist Book
Publisher: Freddy Dewes Mathews
ISBN: 9780957594401
Year: 2013
Description: Bouvetøya: A Cultural History of an Isolated Landmass is the first published history of the most remote island in the world. The book - designed as a field manual, with 32 full colour illustrations within a red waterproof cover - uses excerpts from both dubious historical expeditions and fictions that use the island as their setting. It looks at the imposed culture of a place without people. It presents the history of human interaction with the island and how we managed to make pregnant the physical landscape of such a removed and alien landmass. This psycho-geographic proposition is particularly relevant in the case of a land without significant or sustained human presence. Paired with the text, is photography selected from the archive at the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, specifically from a scientific expedition to the island in 1978. This trip is responsible for the most comprehensive understanding we have of this uninhabited and seldom visited land.
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