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Planet: The Welsh Internationalist 217
Author: ed Emily Trahair
Category: Periodical
Publisher: Gwasg Gomer
ISBN: 0048-4288
Date of Publication: Spring 2017
Subject: Arts, Culture, Politics, Wales, Welsh
Issue/Vol: 217
Description: Planet is a quarterly cultural and political magazine that looks at Wales from an international perspective, and at the world from the standpoint of Wales.
The magazine publishes high-quality writing, artwork and photography by established and emerging figures, and covers subjects across the arts, literature, current events, politics, social justice questions, minority language and culture, and the environment – and much more.
The Welsh Internationalist: Welsh Schools: Sites of Creativity, Arts in Education, Alyce von Rothkirch; Christien Ghoulson; Artes Mundi; Late Surrealism and Wales, David Greenslade;
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