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Artists` Handbooks: Across Europe: The Artist`s Personal Guide to Travel and Work-large

Artists` Handbooks: Across Europe: The Artist`s Personal Guide to Travel and Work

Author: David Butler
Category: Reference
Publisher: AN Publications (Artic Producers Publishing Co Ltd)
ISBN: 0 907730 15 9
Year: 1992
Subject: guide, manual, europe, funding, information,
Description: A first handbook for visual artists on Europe as a result of `1992 and all that`.

Over 20 European nations viewed through the eyes of both an indigenous and a UK artist to give a picture of potential opportunities and pitfalls for artists wanting to work in or sell to different European countries.

Issues focused on include: Public funding, exhibiting, journals and agencies, changing trends, getting information, finding studios

Each section also includes details of language, currency, visas and contacts.
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