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Strategic Questions #23: What is Automation?)-large

Strategic Questions #23: What is Automation?)

Author: ed. Gavin Wade
Category: Art Theory
Publisher: Strategic Questions
ISBN: 095516110x
Year: 2005
Description: Strategic Questions, 2002–, curated by Gavin Wade, is an ongoing project to develop 40 projects in response to 40 questions written by R. Buckminster Fuller. Each project is an artwork or a combination of artworks that are developed in relation to 40 different publication scenarios. Each project tackles one question and is placed into an existing magazine, journal or other publication vehicle or a new publication is developed in response to a specific site and context.

These strategic questions were written by R. Buckminster Fuller as part of a statement to a leading figure in the world building industry. The statement is called Design Strategy, 1966, and was published in Fuller`s Utopia or Oblivion: The Prospects for Humanity, 1969, p.352. It is Fuller`s proposition that to achieve total success for all humanity for ever, all interested parties must agree upon the answers to these strategic questions before they can successfully combine their efforts.

Language: English.
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