Philippa Brown, Head, 2020
Philippa Brown makes paintings, assemblages and sculptures using easily manipulated, found, discarded and new materials. She takes an approach to manufacturing and making that is direct and handmade developing both autobiographical and fictional narratives in tandem.
Her recent work investigates ideas and intersections between transcendence, Magic, personal belief systems and the boundaries and spaces where psychic experience and embodied physical experience meet.
I am interested in the ways in which femininity and individuality is expressed through everyday micro acts of resistance to social and phallocentric norms. I am interested in the relationship between artist and object, and exploring the pathos, humor and instability inherent in everyday life and tasks through mixing both biographical and fictional narratives. My current work explores the use of symbolism and different methods of documenting behaviour and actions to consider identity within societal norms and hierarchies. I am interested in the sculptural possibilities and relationships between objects, body and space and the essential interconnectedness between marginalised, maligned and other species. I am researching the ‘home-made-ness’ of artifacts of everyday magic and ritual, domestic materials used such as wax, shoes and potatoes, and the placement of them for ritual, spell making and magical thinking.
Philippa has recently completed an MFA with a Distinction at Cardiff School of Art and Design. She has recently exhibited at Oriel Blodau Bach, and took part in BEEP painting prize 2018, Swansea college of Art, and Introductions 2017 at Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, New York. Recent solo projects include Witchcraft For Clubkids, Arcade-Campfa, Cardiff and Like A Parallelogram, Spit and Sawdust, Cardiff.
The artist was in the following exhibitions: UNIT(e) SUMMER SCHOOL Sprung Spring g39 Fellowship THREE Soft split the Stone Jerwood Survey III Links :www.philippabrown.co.uk