Stephen Sutcliffe

b. Harrogate
Lives and works in Glasgow

Cymbeline (film still), Stephen Sutcliffe, UK, 2020
Cymbeline (film still), Stephen Sutcliffe, UK, 2020

Stephen creates film collages from an extensive archive of British television, film sound, broadcast images and spoken word recordings which he has been collecting since childhood. Often reflecting on aspects of British culture and identity, the results are melancholic, poetic and satirical amalgams which subtly tease out and critique ideas of class-consciousness and cultural authority.

Through an extensive editing process Sutcliffe’s works pitch sound against image to subvert predominant narratives, generating alternative readings through the juxtaposition and synchronization of visual and aural material.

The artist was in the following exhibition:
Stephen Sutcliffe

Links :
  • Cymbeline (film still), Stephen Sutcliffe, UK, 2020