Gaia Persico, Closed Circuits (detail) 2010
Gaia Persico creates fixed and animated drawings of landscape and architecture in the many locations she visits whilst travelling.
Using either digital software or locally sourced pens and complimentary headed notepaper, she describes her drawings as “snapshots of a very specific time”. Gaia aims to capture the small details, the ephemeral, the ever changing – all that is often overlooked in the instant gratification, short attention span of current human endeavour.
Gaia’s World Animations series present observations of cityscapes, drawn in situ from hotel window views. A single freeze-frame viewpoint of the metropolis acts as a stage, in which only the real-life movements that occur during the making of the drawing are animated. Movements are minimal: a door opening, a shadow appearing on the floor, a light flicking on and off, a flashing neon, an ascending elevator. Long intervals of stillness prompt the viewer to closely inspect the animations in order not to miss the next movement. There is a sense of expectancy and tension; something is about to happen but the narrative is never fully expounded.
Gaia Persico is an artist, curator and writer. She has been a visual artist since 2002, curating exhibitions since 2005 and a published writer for over five years, and lately a yogini and martial artist. She graduated with a BA(Hons) in 1995 from Fine Art, Surrey Institute of Art & Design, Farnham, and in 2002 with a MA in Painting, Wimbledon School of Art, University of the Arts, London.
The artist was in the following exhibitions: Innocence and despair If You Build It They Will Come Everything.
All At Once.
At The Same Time. This artist is featured in: One In The OtherThis artist is featured in: It Was Never Going To Be StraightforwardLinks :www.gaiapersico.com